The one where Dimitri goes missing

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Rose was sleeping peacefully, if by peacefully you mean that she kept waking up every hour. Something inside her just couldn't let her relax and she didn't know what.

So when Alberta came at the dorms she was already starring at the ceiling.

"Oh good you're up. Let's go." The woman whispers so the rest of the people don't wake up and leaves like a shadow.

Rose relays on her elbows confused and then she stands up. Alberta was waiting for her at the entrance of the building.

"He's gone." She says with her back turn on Rose and her hands crossed over her chest. All Rose can see is a shadow since the sun is so blinding this morning.

"Who's gone?" Rose asks and approaches her.

"Dimitri." She says stoically without removing her glaze from the statue across from her.

"Well he's not in my bed..." Rose says unwilling bitterly.

"Oh that I saw. What I wanted to ask is if you know where he might be." Alberta says without even flinching after what Rose said.

"Just tell me what you want from me." Rose says.

"Call him? I don't know. He's not picking up and it's been twelve hours since we've heard from him." The woman says finally looking at Rose.

"And you think I am the right person for this job? Please..." She would have rolled her eyes but her worry took over. If Alberta came to ask for her help things has to be quite serious.

"Rose." She simply says for the first time in forever she sees eyes filled with fear looking at her.

"Give me a moment." It's all she says and starts walking away and calling him at the same time. Three voice messages and six texts later she returns.

"Nothing." She says and sits next to a sitting now Alberta.

"Any clue of where he may have run to? I looked everywhere I could think of. Even at his old house." She says and buries her head on her knees.

"If I knew what happened... Wait. Get up. We are leaving." Rose says and runs to the first car she sees.

"Are you sure about this?" She asks as Rose terminates another call to Dimitri.

"You said you didn't look there. Don't make me have seconds thoughts now."

"We'll see soon enough then." It's all Alberta says and then silence falls between them. They reach the way too familiar house. Rose hadn't been there since the funeral, since she came to apologize for killing her best friend.

"I guess you were right." She hears Alberta saying and she wakes up from the memories that floated her head.

"Hm?" She mumbles only to see one of the academy cars parked around the corner. Suddenly she's mad, furiously mad to be precise.

"I'll handle this." She says and jumps out of the moving car. "You'll have him back before sundown."

She's not staying enough to hear the 'okay' or to see the car turning around to return to the academy. In no time she bangs on the door. She's about to break it down when he finally opens.

"Rose?" He says confused and she pushes him away so she can enter.

"You really don't care about me. I mean I had my suspicion but now I'm sure." She says and walks to what used to be the living room. Now it's a mess of covered things and furniture.

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