chapter one: broken people

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Trigger warnings for this chapter: suicide, discussion of trauma, blood.

I was taking care of a kid in the ER as my colleague, doctor kris, came to me and told me i should talk to his patient's friend in treatment 5.
I finished with my patient and went to talk to her. going into that room was quite awkward, she was still crying over her friend's death.

"Hey, I'm doctor Ray, i was told your friend just died, how you doing?"
She looked at me with tearful eyes, i sat next to her "it's ok, take your time"
"She-" she sobbed "she's dead and it's all my fault" she said, her voice cracking.
"Why? What happened?" She wiped her tears with her wrist "we had a big fight, i wanted to come over and apologize but-" she sobbed "she already made up her mind"
"And how is that your fault?"
"I told her i hate her, it just pushed her over the edge she was already on"
I gave her some tissue paper to wipe her tears "thanks"
"Did her doctor tell you that her heart is being donated to someone your age?" I asked
"Yeah" she said wiping her tears "not that it's going to change anything, she's dead, donating her heart won't bring her back"
"Maybe not, but research says that making friends with someone who got a part of the deceased is quite helpful with dealing with their death"
"It's probably just some bullshit you tell people so they'll feel better because you don't want to deal with them" she mumbled
"Believe what you want to believe, I'm just saying the facts"
"Listen, i don't need to be evaluated by a shrink, I'm fine, just trying to deal with my best friend's death so leave me alone!"
There was an angry silence between us for a few minutes until she mumbled something i couldn't understand
"What did you say?" I asked
"I asked what's her name" she said
"Charlie, she's a nice girl"
"Like Charlie from bumblebee? The movie.."
"You watched it? I didn't think kids would like that movie because it's based on an old show"
"You kidding?! This movie was sick! I loved every second" she smiled
"Good to know, I'll tell you when she gets out of surgery k?"
"Yeah" i got up to leave the room but she stopped me "wait," she said "thank you, you really helped me"
I smiled "you're welcome" i said and got out.

I was filling discharge papers for a patient when doctor kris came to talk to me "so," he started"What'd she say?"
"Oh you know, the two had a fight, one said 'i hate you' pushed the other over the edge she was on, she killed herself"
"What about the heart transplant girl?"
"She's going to try talking to her, i think they'll get along" i smiled
He smiled back "almost reminds me of you and that girl, what was her name? Valerie?"
My smile fell "how did she die again?"
I got mad "you treated her, you know exactly how she died!" I whisper shouted at him "so stop teasing me okay?!" I finished the paperwork and went to see another patient.

Later that shift we had two incoming patients from an explosion one had been burnt and broke his arm and the other, who was accompanied by their dad, only had a broken arm.
The EMT's rushed both victims in, i got the kid.
"Hit me up mary!"
"16 year old child, broken arm, possible head injury, stats at 100% heart rate is 88, blood pressure is 119/78"
"Thanks, let's get an brain MRI, a head CT and an X-ray for that arm please" the dad was desperately trying to get in the room "sir, you need to stay outside please" said one of the nurses "wait but please can you make sure that you use their correct pronounce, they go by they/them and it's a sensitive subject for them please" he begged
"Ok sir, we'll make sure of that" i said and smiled, the man seemed more relaxed now "thank you".

The kid's scans were normal, there was no bleeding or internal brain injuries but the arm was indeed broken, i also learnt their name was jay, so i sat down with them and the dad to tell them the good news.
"So what we're going to do is just put the arm in a cast and wait for it to heal, we're giving you some medicine for the pain for now, any questions?"
"Yeah," the dad spoke up "the guy in the room over there" he pointed at the room of the other victim who came in "is he going to be ok?"
"Don't worry, doctor kris is one of the best doctors in this hospital and we'll do the best we can for him"
"Ok but can you tell us when he's awake? I want to thank him" said jay "yeah sure, I'll inform you when he's awake" i smiled and left the room.

I went to the cafeteria to grab a coffee, i always get super tired on night shifts and end up drinking at least 3 cups of coffee, i already discharged jay and got their dad's number to tell them when the guy wakes up, i was just waiting for doctor kris to tell me something.
I was thinking about my mom, a Sargent at the police department, she had a big case on her shoulders, she hasn't talked to me in a while and i was starting to get a little worried...

Coming back home to my dog is the best part of every single shift and every day, getting to take a shower after getting thrown up and bled on all day is also one of my favourite things.
When i got out of the shower i was drying my hair and walking to the kitchen to get some water, when i noticed a letter on my door mat who sends letters at 1:30AM? I thought as i opened it.
At first it didn't make sense at all but then i remembered "i- i need to call mom"


Wow 1037 words for this chapter, that took a while.
Sorry for the cliff hanger, it's going to happen a lot so get comfortable because this mystery is gonna take a while.
Pay attention that at the start of every chapter there are trigger warnings for it.
The chapters aren't supposed to be this long and usually won't be so sorry about this one.
Anyway enjoy reading 💅❤️

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