chapter eleven: these words are knives and often leave scars

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Tw: murder, arson, depression, self harm.

3rd person:

"Why do i need to do this? I don't want to do this!" Calls for help that will never be heard, not like anyone cares right?

"Boss wants you to do it so you have to do it, it's not like we can do anything about it" her response broke his heart, he knew that if he goes to the police no one will ever forgive him, he will get killed and have no one mourn his death "we don't even have control over our death, we don't ask questions we just do what he says"

"But what if we do have control? We don't have to do whatever he says! We can rebel against him, against all of them!" The tears that were stinging his eyes were now threatening to fall

"No we can't! He will kill us!" Her words are like knives and they were shoved right into his heart, he doesn't want to kill the boy, no... He's too important to be killed.

"I can't kill him, i just can't, he means too much to me" his cries don't matter, he knows it and yet he still tries.

"Listen, he can't help you, i can't help you, the police can't help you no one can help you!" Knives stabbing his heart over and over, he doesn't want to do it but does he have a choice? Maybe...

"You know what, get out"


"Get. Out"

"You have no one on your side except for me and now you're kicking me out?"

"I SAID GET OUT!" His words startle her, he does have no one on his side but she isn't on his side either, he'd rather go to the police and turn himself in than do what the boss wants him to.

"You're making a mistake, you should just do what he says and get it over with"

"are you deaf? I said get out of my fucking house!" She turned to the door and left.

And so he was left alone, no one to help him, no one to comfort him, no one to trust.

Did he do the right thing? He hopes so but yet still regrets it, should he have shouted at her? His only friend?

"This is pathetic" the words ringing in his ears "yeah, it is..."

He went to the bathroom, he didn't think for himself, he needs to punish himself for his thoughts, his words.

Locking the door and grabbing the knife, that was the only thing he could control, the pain he feels.

Cutting a small line on his wrist he watched as the blood started coming out of his vain and he did it again, and again until he was satisfied with the first wrist, moving on to the next one.

He started feeling a bit light headed, the combination of crying and lossing blood isn't doing him any good, his vision started getting darker and darker until everything faded to black.

And she? She who left him? She still cared.

She came back through the bathroom window and helped him before going away again, hoping he would be fine.

But now there was no one to do his job, she has to do it now, she had to go to a house and murder someone.
how does she not feel guilt? How does she not hate herself? How does her mind work?

Apparently, her mind works in ways humans may not understand, her mind does not think for itself, it follows orders.

his mind is corrupt, he starts thinking for himself, starts feeling for himself, if she didn't care she would have left him to die there, in a bathroom on his own with no one to mourn him.

But now there she was, with a knife in one hand and a lighter in the other, about to burn someone's world to the ground.

But wait, something is not right, she feels regret, she fells sad, did she really want to kill this person? Well she didn't have a choice anymore, they were dead and she doesn't want to get caught.

So she poured the gasoline and Flickered her lighter and the whole place was soon a combination of crimson red blood and golden flames.

The sirens were heard just as she was  three blocks away from the scene, no one will know it was her.

But everyone will know that the devil face killer had claimed another victim.

And when he woke up on the bathroom floor and looked at his arms, he wanted to tell her how bad her words hurt him.

Her words were knives and this time, they left scars.

He walked over to the burner phone "hello?" Said a voice on the other side, he did not respond.

"Who is this?" She asked again

"Your son is next, make sure he's safe" he hung up, hoping the woman would take him seriously, if he can't protect the boy his mom can.


I feel like this was really cringe but i kinda like it, is it cringe? Tell me what you think please.

Also any guesses on who this might be?

Keep slaying people 💅✨

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