
22 1 0

June 18, 15:24, Monday

"Okay!" Saida-san, the sound director said enthusiastically exclaimed from the control room. 以上で収録全てが終わります。お疲れ様でした!"That's conclude all of the recordings. Great work!"

Fortunately or unfortunately, they didn't ask me to do retakes after the actual recording and that made me anxious. Most of the time, they asks for some retakes. Sometimes, if they didn't, its does not automatically mean its great performance. It could also mean that it would be a waste of time and can't satisfy the needed performance. Even I'm just hitting a half-decade in the seiyuu industry, its still one of my worries.

But well, basing from the mood of the people in the control room, they seem so happy with  my performance so I guess there's no need for me to worry.

Before I exited the studio, we did took some photos together with the production staff as this is the last recording session for this anime that will air its final episode. I'm recording solo because the rest of the cast was already finished last week and I was not able to join that because of my sudden schedule's conflict.

I said goodbye and express my gratefulness to all the staff. I knew most of them since they are also the same production team of the past anime that I was included. I absolutely know that we will work again for the upcoming anime productions.

I saw Rio-san, in the lobby smiling at me. She is my manager since I started voice acting.

そんな演技なのは素晴らしかった。最初からできるんだと思います。"That was a great performance. I know you could pull off that performance from the start." she greeted me as I seated in front of her. お疲れ様です。"Great work."

ありがとうございます。"Thank you very much." 全部見ましたか?"Did you watch everything?" There's a TV in the lobby where visitors can watch live the recording.

ちょっとだけ。"It's just a glimpse. " she answered. レイーちゃんなら、いつも素晴らしかった演技なのだ。それが主役や重要なキャラなら、優先してくれるよ。"You always do an amazing performance, that's why they always prefer you for lead or important characters."

I just want to say it's not always a good performance. Just like today's recording, its feels like there's something lacking and I expected to do a lot of retakes afterwards. But never mind. I'm thankful that its already finished. ありがとうございます。"Thank you."

明日の予定についてですが、朝行動がないなので、今晩ゆっくり休んでね。午後にラジオゲストを出演する予定です。"As for your schedule tomorrow, there won't be any in the morning, so tonight take a lot of rest. And for the afternoon, you have a radio guesting." she informed. 今晩一週間のスケジュールを送信ので、確認お願いします。更新があれば、すぐに知らさせてお願いします。"I'll be sending your this week schedule so please check it. If you have something to change it, please inform me immediately."

ありがとうございます。"Thank you." ところで、どうして来ましたか。"By the way, why did you came here?"

It's not a requirement for managers to be present or to be with their talent during the recording. Sometimes, they accompany their talent during the first recording which she did during my very first recording. Sometimes, they also came to support their talents. I don't mind her being here but today she's quite energetic and excited.

She looked around first and talked in low voice. 実は、色々な漫画作品がアニメに決定あります。いつか制作がまだ決定しないでけど、オーディションを発表とたん、勧めしますから、準備しますね。"There's a lot of manga that has been decided for anime adaptation. There's no date yet for the production but once they announce the audition, I'll be recommending you so be ready for it."

From the #BucketList 01: Before the Last CallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon