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Inside the mystical cave of Terra lives the Titan Colossus, a gigantic humanoid creature who takes care of the most precious stone terraria. The highest deity ordered him to guard the stone until the advent of the chosen one.

The terraria has potent qualities and abilities and is considered the most powerful weapon, so other gods desperately want to possess its powers. Many have tried to steal it, but with Colossus' ultimate ability to create a crystal-like structure from his flesh, anyone who attempts to enter and break the shield of the cave fails except the three imperious goddesses.

Minerva, the goddess of telepathy, is capable of both reading and manipulating thoughts. She can also disable Colossus' crystal-like hardening enabling her to get inside the cave.

Upon entering, the gleaming stone immediately caught her attention, prompting her to take it. She then tries to control Colossus' mind, but it does not work because he is immune to manipulation. They fought, but her powers were useless because the Titan was more dominant than she. Thus, she is defeated and ceases to exist.

Victoria, the goddess of teleportation, can instantly shift from one place to another, even in the crystal-shielded cave of Terra. As she broke into the place of the Titan, her eyes sparkled upon seeing the luminous stone.

However, the goddess wonders why the stone guardian did not seem to be there. So she thought her plan would be much easier. But before she could get close to it, she was trapped. It was Colossus' bait. One of his powers is to make layout traps or weaponry out of his flesh.

But then, the goddess of teleportation managed to escape. Victoria moves closer to the stone, but Colossus uses his power to predict her thoughts and quickly shields it. He then created a two-way portal and shifted her to a different world where she could no longer use her power and locked her there forever.

Eutha, the goddess of lust, can make anyone who hears her euphonious voice fall in love. Although, it is not love but just a trick to obtain what she wants. She went nearby the cave and started humming to distract Colossus, for him to come out of his abode.

She used her charm over him. In just one snap, he fell in love. When the Titan fell asleep after listening to her enchantment, she took the opportunity to seize the terraria. But, when she took the stone, the crystal cave collapsed, causing Colossus to gain consciousness and return to his usual self.

He roared with the force of a thousand lions and threw her a massive punch. She hardly hit the wall. Eutha tried to aim the stone at him, but it did not work because only the chosen one could use it. Colossus used all his strength to knock her down and successfully recovered the stone.

A deity has descended from above. "He who has been proven worthy shall be rewarded." Colossus has been given immortality and, from a Titan, transformed into a handsome man.

You who obeyed my command,

You who conquered those obstacles I sent,

You who have proven your worth

Shall be granted this precious stone

And honored as the chosen one

Possessing the power of the terraria, Colossus began creating humans and animals, established their homes, and provided them with food. Life on Earth has begun, and human civilization started to flourish.

In Baesr, there was goddess Eutha fainting after being defeated by the Titan. She is weak, gasping for air until darkness descends on her vision, and eventually dies. From her remains sprung Eridia, her and Colossus' unknown progeny. Eridia is the goddess of death and destruction prophesied to bring misfortune to the world and will be her father's great adversary.

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