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Amelia sat next to Scarlett's bed and looked to her as she lay asleep as Freddie walked in and smiled. He walked over to Amelia and kissed her

"How is our girl" he asked as Amelia smiled

"She's okay. She is sleeping a lot and she's confused over how my dad is dead I mean she's three how do you explain that to a kid" Amelia said as Freddie pulled Amelia to her feet and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know it's hard. I do but I am here and I love you and I love Scarlett and your my family and when she is better we're going to move back into the rosoce house. I know we have the flat but it's not ideal for her. I want her to be around my family" Freddie said as Amelia smiled

"Well it's just joe and Jason. It's not as if everyone is there now that Robbie and your mum left and ziggy...I know you miss him since he died" Amelia said as t smiled

"I just want to keep you safe both of you" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

Amelia knew that she felt as if she and Freddie had been through a lot and she knew how it wasn't easy. But she loved Freddie and Scarlett and she just wanted them to be a family and it scared her

Amelia smiled as she walked through the village as she saw Aimee who walked over to her

"Are you okay" Aimee asked as Amelia looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine. My head is a mess and I don't know what i am going to do. I just want to keep Scarlett save. Our dad is dead, our mum is still in a coma and Scarlett is lucky to be alive. I am not going to let anyone else take her away from me. Not again" Amelia said as Aimee smiled

"She will be okay and she is with you where she belongs and I just hope mum will be okay as I don't know if I can loose another parent and your a good mum" Aimee said as Amelia looked to net sister and smiled

"I got pregnant young and when I had her. She was red it was why i called her Scarlett. I just want to be her mum" Amelia said as Aimee looked to her and smiled

Amelia smiled as she walked into Scarlett's room and looked to her

"Are you ready to go home princess?" Amelia asked Scarlett frowned

"With mummy?" She asked as Amelia picked her up and smiled as and brushed her blonde hair out of her face and smiled

"With mummy and daddy. We're going to go to daddy's old house and your going to get your room and it will all be okay" Amelia said as she kissed Scarlett and held her close

Amelia knew how things weren't easy and she knew how much that she loved Scarlett but with her mum about wake up was things about to become toxic once again?

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