Chapter 3

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It’s an early Tuesday morning. The city was still calm as one could still hear the sounds of birds chirping on nearby trees. Mrs. Sylvester walked slowly through the corridor leading to her son’s room as she carefully opened the door. He was still lying on the bed as she stood beside him and stared at him for a while.
His black shiny skin was glowing from the rays of sunlight piercing on him. Stephan is the real definition of an ebony handsome man. His face is perfectly curved with little beards surrounding it. His nose and lips align with each other giving him more coolness. He is already looking matured at his young age.
She slowly tapped his shoulder as he sluggishly opened his eyes. “Good morning mom.” He greeted looking at her with a smile. She also smiled back as she stood right. “Get up already Stephen, you don’t want to be late for school. It won’t be good for your reputation.” She said as she walked to the door.
Stephen slowly jump off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He got ready in a few minutes and head to the dinning for breakfast. After eating, he picked up his car keys and head out. “Stephen, there is a new boy next door at Mr. Lawal’s place. I think you should tag him along while leaving since you have your car. The poor boy is depressed; you might be friends as well.” She said looking at him.
He sighed and nodded his head in disagreement. “Mom, you know I don’t like riding with people in my car right? Plus I am not interested in making new friends.” He complained and stormed out of the room. She watched him as he nonchalantly walkedd out of the room leaving her behind before she barely even finished speaking.
She always knew her child to be so strict with the people he associates with. He chooses everything of high standard, even his friends. That is why she is so worried about him and how he would find a partner in the future. Mrs. Sylvester exhaled loudly as she slowly stood up and started clearing the dining table.
The atmosphere in Scared Heart Academy is very conducive as it usually is every morning. Students are being driven to school as usual while the senior ones are driving in to the school in their personal cars.
Justin and his friends were sitting in a garden around the student’s parking space; that is where they usually have their morning meetings to decide whom to bully. The expression on Justin’s face wasn’t friendly at all. He was still disappointed and ashamed of himself from yesterday’s disappointment.
Justin exhaled loudly as he was playing with his pen on his hands. He quickly jumped off the seat and stood firm. “I can’t take this embarrassment guys, not from those losers.” He said looking so angry. All his friends kept quiet as everyone pretended not to hear what he just said.
They continued looking into their phones as Justin was still standing and panting in bitterness. He noticed them brushing him off so he stamped his feet loudly on the floor. “Are you all ignoring me?” He shouted looking angry.
Henry who was already pissed off with Justin’s behavior stood up and faced him. “Come on Justin, why are you being paranoid over just that? Remember we also get bullied by you sometimes but we never hanged over it. If those boys are courageous enough to face us, then let’s leave them alone and find another pleasure spot. Stop making this feels it’s only about you.” Henry said looking angry also.
Justin was about speaking when Henry interrupted him. “If you are not going to let go of this issue, I think we will have to call off this gang. I am tired of you slating rules base on your choices only.” Henry said as he picked his bag and walked away and all the other boys followed him.
Justin was so shocked at what happened. He never imagined the boys will turn over him in such a moment but guess he has crossed his limit. He shouted and bites his lips as he continued panting really hard. “I must find a way to get back at those boys; I must make sure they pay for this, I will teach them a lesson.” He said as he picked up his bag and followed his friend to class.
“Good morning guys.” Cleo greeted as she walked into the class towards her friends with a huge smile on her face. They answered her anxiously knowing that there must be stories behind that revealing smile of hers. James giggled and leaned towards her. “Okay, tell us what happened girl. Why all the smile and even a new bag.” He asked picking up her fancy bag from the table.
Cleo laughed loudly, almost catching the attention of other classmates as they turned and stared at her. She quickly lowered her voice and faced her friends. “I thought you guys wouldn’t ask.” She said still smiling. Omar adjusted himself as he dropped his phone. “Oh please Cleo, you are being this clumsy, it’s obvious that something is fishy.” He said looking at her.
She adjusted herself a little. “Am I that obvious?” She asked. “Of course you are bitch. Just tell us what happened and stop being annoying.” Andrew yelled. They all laughed at his reaction because it is obvious he couldn’t wait to get the gist.
“Okay. Calm down guys. I am going to tell you everything, bit by bit.” She said as she picked up her lipstick from the bag and applied a little. They watched her as she adjusted her makeup and crossed her legs. “This is fucking annoying Cleo.” Andrew yelled again.
Cleo laughed a little as she started talking. “Okay guys. You all know how Nelson pissed me off yesterday right? So he made it up to me after closing hours with an amazing lunch at the most expensive Chinese restaurant and a free shopping. And guess what? He will be taking our gang out one of these weekends.” She said flinging the bag she probably got from the shopping.
“WOOOOW. Go gurrl.” James shouted which makes all the class turned at him. A boy from a different gang pointed at James. “Bring it down sissy. This is not a cheer leading hall.” He said shouting at James and everyone in the class laughed. “Fuck you idiot.” James replied, showing off a finger.
“Don’t mind them babe. You are always safe with us.” Cleo said holding his hands. James giggled and adjusted himself. “Oh please. I don’t give a damn fuck.” He said crossing his legs. They all laughed for a while.
Omar giggled a bit. “This is the energy you should be giving to that brat from the science class. You shouldn’t let him bully you James.” Omar said looking so serious. James sighed without saying a word. “Just let him be, he will definitely stop when he is tired.” He said. “And when will he be tired? Will you endure all the humiliations till he is satisfied and tired?” Omar asked.
Cleo quickly moved closer. “I think I have an idea guys. Why don’t you try flirting with Justin? I read it somewhere that homophobic bullies can actually be homosexuals but are too afraid to come out or are suffering from internal homophobia. I think we should knock at Justin’s feelings to confirm.” Cleo suggested. “That will be a great idea seriously.” Omar added.
“I am not engaging myself in any situation with that guy. He is not my spec and will never be. I can’t do it please.” James bluntly replied. They tried persuading him but he insisted on not doing it. “There is no way I will even fake a relationship with a homophobic bully. I will not stoop to that low.” He said looking serious.
Andrew who was spaced out of the conversation quickly stood up from his seat looking pissed off. He picked up his bag and head out of the class without saying a word. He looked so worried and bothered. They stared at him as he walked out very fast. They were surprised of his behavior.
Andrew barged into the toilet panting so hard. “How dare you Nelson?” He shouted as he picked up his phone and placed a call on him. He started ranting immediately when Nelson answered. “So this is it right? I am just your sex toy while you spend the good moments with her right? Are you even doing that so she could get to show off at me or something?” He shouted while on the phone.
Nelson sighed deeply as he listened to Andrew finished ranting. “I am sorry Andrew. You know I wouldn’t go this far with you if I don’t love you. I just have to do that with Cleo because I don’t want my family to suspect me ignoring her. You clearly knows she is a family friend right? I promise to make you feel better this weekend. Just choose a place and I will take care of it.” Nelson pleaded.
Andrew exhaled loudly. “I will think about it.” He said and ended the call. He sighed deeply as he faced the mirror in the toilet. “I won’t let this continue happening. I will have to bring an end to this. Nelson belongs to me and not Cleo. I will make all efforts to make him officially known as mine. Just enjoy the little while you still can Cleo, because it won’t be good if I come for him.” He said as he picked his bag and head out.
The students were still seating in the class when the principal walked in, they all stood up and greeted him in an appropriate manner. “Okay students. Without wasting much time, there is an important announcement for you.” He said looking serious as always. All the students begin murmuring and wondering what information the principal has to pass.
He cleared his throat a little to get their attention, as they all concentrated at him, he began talking. “You all know that this is a new session right? And with all the academic challenges we faced last few years due to the covid pandemic, we need to reorganize our curriculum especially for your class.” He said looking at the students who were just staring back blankly at him.
He exhaled loudly and adjusted his tie. “We are going to introduce other activities for you to boost your brains; these activities include personal and group projects, field trips, mixed curriculums for science and art classes and even excursions.” He added.
All the students were very excited after hearing the information. You can tell by everyone’s expression that the news made them happy. At least, they will get to spend more time with their friends and dates while the classes are being joined.
Omar quickly moved his chair closer to James and grab his shoulder. “Do you also think what I am thinking? This is your chance James.” Omar said looking at him. James sighed deeply and removed Omar’s hands from his shoulder. “Takeoff your hands from me first; and what are you thinking? Or do you think our minds are in sync to think together?” James asked sarcastically and they all laughed.
Andrew who was still looking uncomfortable pushed James a little. “Hear him out bitch.” He said jokingly. Omar sighed deeply and adjusted himself. “You see, I am seriously interested in getting back at Justin for bullying you. No one has the right to bully another person for being who they are. I think we should use this opportunity.” He said looking serious.
“What are you talking about Omar? What opportunity?” James asked. Omar moved closer and concentrated on James. “I know you don’t like the guy and I am not asking you to do that. I just wanted you to flirt with him, if he luckily falls for you, then you serve him heartbreak in return of the bullying.” Omar said.
“Well, what if he didn’t fall for him?” Andrew asked. “Oh, I have a strong feeling that Justin will fall for James. Let’s just try it out. I am sure it will work.” Omar assured. Cleo giggled a bit. “But won’t that yield to something else? What if James also falls for him?” She asked looking concerned. “Then that will be a win- win game.” Omar said.
James sighed deeply and kept quiet for a while. He knows this is a dangerous plan but he has tolerated a lot from Justin already. It is high time he serve him his cup of revenge. “I am in then.” He said with a smile and they all cheered. “Then let’s celebrate. Lunch is on me.” Omar said and they all walked to the cafeteria.
They walked into the cafeteria talking and laughing loud, James is in the front telling them a gist; he was cat walking and flinging his hands as usual. You can tell from a look that he is free among his friends and they are totally comfortable with him. Cleo sighted Justin staring at them as they took a table. “Hey James. That’s your future boyfriend staring at us.”  She said.
James turned and saw Justin staring angrily at him. He was having a fiery face as if he wanted beating him. He slowly stood up and dropped his bag. “Let me begin my mission guys.” He said as he slowly cat walked to Justin’s table with a bottle of drink.
“Hey guys.” James greeted the whole gang with a smile. They were shocked and surprised seeing the boy at their table as they stared at him. “Oh, forgive my manners. I am just here to make peace with your boss; you guys have received the information of our classes being merged right?” He asked still smiling and a few of them managed to nod their heads.
He slowly walked to Justin and stood behind him wrapping his hands around his neck. “This is for you dear. Yesterday was amazing.” James said as he slowly turned and walked away. Justin sat there looking so dump as his heart was beating so fast. His friends were confused and started asking him series of questions that he couldn’t explain.
He was totally surprised to what the boy just did, he is even more confused because he felt weak and couldn’t talk or act back to the boy, he kept on sweating profusely and his heart beating none stop. James walked back to his friends laughing so hard and they applaud him for a great job. “Just keep on watching guys; this will be an interesting game.” He said laughing really hard.
They were still eating and talking when a junior student walked to their table. “Excuse me seniors. I was asked to call Omar by senior Stephan.” The junior said looking at them. They kept quiet for a while wondering why Stephan would call Omar. “Who is Stephan?” Omar asked looking at Cleo. She quickly turned to the junior. “Tell senior Stephan that Omar will come over immediately after his lunch.” She said to the junior.
Andrew quickly shifted his plate of food and leaned on the table. “Hey, what have you done to Stephan?” He asked eagerly. Omar sighed loudly. “For God’s sake I don’t even know him.” Omar replied. Cleo slowly hits his head. “That is the head of the students and also the guy you spilled drink on yesterday.” She said looking at him.
“I was wondering why he didn’t punish you yesterday, who knew that he will keep the punishment till today.” James added. Omar exhaled loudly and pushed his plate. “Can you guys stop acting like he is some sort of a teacher. Why are you all afraid of him.” He asked looking so pissed off.
He stood up and picked up his bag. “Where can I find him?” He asked looking at them. They all picked their bags and stood up with him. “Let’s take you there.” Cleo said as they all walked out together. They walked Omar to the SS3 classes’ block.  They were looking so tensed because students don’t like walking around the block.
“Okay, we will wait for you here, just walk in straight and introduce yourself. We hope it won’t be severe.” Andrew said as they waited for Omar by the door. He hissed as he walked into the class elegantly. One thing he is sure of is that he won’t take any form of harassment from any senior, he is sure of where he is coming from and they wouldn’t want to have a taste of his northern blood.
Omar walked in straight to the class and head to the extreme end of the class where Stephan was sitting. He was stopped and asked questions by some seniors but he refused talking. Stephan signaled them to allow him pass and he continued walking.
Stephan stared at him for a while immediately when he arrived at his front, he admired the boy’s courage and looks. He stood up and holds his hands as they walked to the library. Omar watched him confusedly without saying a word but followed him. “Arrange those books to the shelf.” Stephan said pointing at the pile of books.
They begin arranging the books and it took them a while till closing hours. Stephan hasn’t said a word to Omar all the while which kept him worried. “What sort of human is this, working none stop like a robot?” Omar kept on murmuring to himself. They finished arranging the books after a while and Omar sat on a chair looking so tired.
Stephan walked into the librarian’s office and came out with a drink. He handed it to Omar and they drink for a while. “Where are you staying? I will drive you home. It’s already past closing hour, I am sure your friends have left.” Stephan said as he slowly stood up. Omar told him the street and he was a little surprise because that’s where he stays also.
Stephan giggled a bit as he was driving. “Actually, we haven’t been properly introduced.” He said staring at the road. “I am Stephan Sylvester. I am the head of students of our school.” He said still driving.  Omar smiled a little. “I am Omar Nuhu, new student in SS2 art.” He replied as he pointed his house to Stephan.
He slowly parked the car by Omar’s house. “I am single and also your neighbor.” Stephan said staring at Omar. He was shocked hearing what Stephan said. He smiled without saying a word as he slowly opened the door and stepped out. His heart was beating fast as he closed the door and stood by the mirror. “I am also single senior.” He said and quickly rushed into the house.
Stephan smiled and drove his car into his apartment. “I will make you mine Omar.” He said with a revealing smile on his face…

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