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Whitley West


"This is where she grew up?" Eliot West's brown eyes were nearly popping out of his skull at the sight of the gated property before him. He had known that his sister's family was well off, but not nearly as wealthy as this house portrayed.

"Shush," Jeremy West, Eliot's father, silenced his son with a stern glance through the rearview mirror before lowering the SUV's clean glass windows. Jeremy placed the car in park to speak to the gate attendant but was interrupted before he could even begin speaking.

"The Whitley family is not accepting guests today." The tall man barely looked up from the computer screen as he dismissed the three men in the car. Jeremy was not the type of man that was dismissed often and the low growl that was released from his throat in reply was a warning that most would shiver away from.

Callum leaned forward in the passenger seat clearing his throat. "We're here for Sybil Whitley."

The tall man turned from the screen his eyes were glued on with a black bushy eyebrow raised. He let his eyes sweep over the three men slowly.

"The Whitley family is not accepting guests today." He stated in a monotone voice once again.

Just as Jeremy was about to reach into the small window of the attendant's workplace and pull him through Callum spoke up once more.

"We are Sybil's family. We are here to pay our respects and support her in this difficult time." Callum spoke calmly with a tight-lipped smile on his chapped thin lips.

The young man in his twenties laughed and shook his head, "I've been working for Miss Whitley since I was thirteen and I've never seen you before. You are not her family." He went to pull the window shut as Jeremy's hand shot out and grabbed his in a fist.

"You will allow me through the gates to see my daughter." His voice was deep and held an authority that the young man had never encountered. Not even his high school principal which scared nearly every student at his alma mater.

After his hand was released back to his body he hesitantly reached for the cordless phone on the table next to him removing it from its dock. He wasn't sure why he was holding the nine button, but it was like he was no longer in control of his hands at the moment.

"I-" he cleared his throat, "I have a..." he paused staring at the three men.

"Eliot and Jeremy West," Eliot spoke up from the rolled-down window in the backseat. "Oh, and Callum." He nodded his head to the older man in the passenger seat.

"Uh, an, um, an Eliot and Jeremy West, and a, uh, Callum here for Miss Whitley." The attendant's voice was shaky and his eyes darted anywhere but at the driver of the dark and shiny car.

"Miss Whitley is not available at the moment." The three men could hear the reply of a woman from the phone pressed against the young man's ear.

"H-he says he's her father."

The other line was silent for a moment before she spoke again, "Reean vylcan?" The gate attendant's brows furrowed and for a split moment, he thought she may be having a stroke.

"Loean." Jeremy spoke staring at the phone in confusion. Perhaps his theory about what had happened here was incorrect.

"Let them through." The woman's voice spoke once more.

The young man wasted no time pressing the button that opened the gate and shutting the window between himself and the three men. His eyes slowly returned to his computer screen trying his hardest to avoid any more time with these men.

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