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You ran. That's all you could do. You knew you weren't fast enough, & just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you tripped over a root & tumbled to the ground. No doubt you broke your ankle. Now, subsiding the pain, you scramble to your feet & continued to run for, possibly, your life.
As you come out to a clearing, your body can't handle anymore, so you collapse to the grassy earth beneath you. Knowing that they're far behind, you begin to heal yourself. A blue light washes over your ankle & everywhere else you've seemed to have wounded yourself. Once fully recovered, you get up to take in your surroundings. Before you were the most beautiful fields you've ever seen, a majestic stream full of fish, jumping happily, & the best yet, were the 20 feet ahead of you where at least a dozen trees & bushes full of fruits & gorgeous flowers were. You were in so much awe that you almost didn't notice the clopping of hooves coming towards you.
You jump up & run as fast as you can into the forest of bountiful harvests. As you climb a tree, the horses get closer & closer. Fortunately you make it up on time before they could catch you. As they approach you start to make out their faces... The Asgardian princes, Thor & Loki.

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