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After a short twenty-minute drive, they pulled up to a storefront in a rather nice little shopping center in the rich end of the city. Everything shined and shimmered. The shop was black and white color on the outside and red and gold on the inside. Aspen got out and walked around, getting to James' door and helping him out then into the store, letting James go in first.

The store clerk looked over and made a face at James, walking over in disgust. "Excuse me, Sir, you have the wrong-" He paused when he watched Aspen walk in and recognized him right away.

"You were saying?" Aspen's eyes went sharp at the man as he bared his teeth like an animal.

"Nothing at all Mr.Bell." He said softly with a gentle bow. "If there is anything I can help you with let me know." He said before rushing off to the backroom to calm down.

"That's more like it..." Aspen mumbled as he walked past James and looked over the clothing to try to find something to match James' aesthetic. James looked around and followed Aspen until he spotted a shirt he rather liked and strayed from the path. Aspen did not note this for a few moments, turning to ask James a question and seeing he was not there. He only panicked for a second before relaxing and starting to look around for James, smiling softly noticing the shirt James had seemed to be attached to. "That would look great on you~"

James jumped at the voice and stopped touching the shirt, turning to face Aspen looking like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "N-no I...uh..." He flustered, Aspen reached around him listening to James mumble softly with a small chuckle, grabbing the shirt off the stand and holding it in his arm.

"How about you try it on at least?" Aspen offered softly, a woman employee walking over now offering to take the clothing back to the dressing room, sent out by the man who greeted them poorly. He handed her the clothing and told her 'James' as the name to go with it.

"A-alright...I-I think I can do that..." James nodded softly, he was determined to get something nice to wear for Aspen and the dinner.

"Just follow her James, I'll find you more things alright." Aspen just guessed at James' size, they were relatively close. James nodded and rushed after the lady and headed into the room, starting to try the different things on. "Um...Aspen, can you help me here..." James had cracked the door and managed to get enough of a voice to call across the room.

Aspen's eyes went wide and he rushed back trying to figure out what James was trying to wear to where he needed help, but when he rounded the corner to see he realized it. He had grabbed himself a corset and handed it to the lady with James' things. Damn did that little angel look fine in it though. Aspen flustered and cleared his throat. "Um, James, that was meant for me, you can take it off and just set it aside."

"But I like it," James mumbled and slowly turned around to face Aspen causing him to look away quickly. "II'llsee if they have something more your colors then." He quickly rushed off and ducked around the corner to take a moment to breathe before shaking it off and finding a worker. James looked in the mirror at it and turned a little so that he could check himself out before returning to the room and changing again.

Aspen returned to the room a minute later with a grin. "James, Angel, I found you a corset in white but they don't have a powder blue."

"That's alright, my roommate can make one." He stepped out of the room holding the good clothing and leaving the rejects in the room.

"You always talk about this roommate, but I have still yet to meet him." A man who lived with an angel so pure and made corsets...that's someone Aspen definitely needed to meet.

"If you want to meet him, he would be more than happy, but be warned he watches your movies a lot." James chuckled softly and smiled at Aspen as they walked to the front of the shop. "You know...We could visit Rory at work if you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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