A Bad Day?

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third person pov:

Y/n had just moved into a new town about a week ago with their best friend Milo after getting a better job offer as J/n(job name) and was getting used to everything and has been eating fast food. Since they had been busy with moving and finding stores and with their new job and  since they live in a very rural part of town.When they were driving home from work when they phone started screaming they grab it looking at it there was a snowstorm coming in then they heard the sound of police sirens. Y/n was getting pulled over, they groaned and pulled off the road into the dirt. Y/n watched as a police officer came to their window and rolled it down as the police officer said "Do you know why I pulled you over Mx." y/n says "No I don't officer, why did you pull me over?" having a fake smile on knowing damn well it was because they were on their phone. " I pulled you over because you were on your phone, I'm going to need to see your licence and registration" y/n grabbed their licence and registration from their glovebox and gave it to the police officer, the officer thanked them walking back to the police car.

The police officer came back after five minutes and said "Thank you for the copperiation Mx. sorry for the wait and be careful there is a snow storm coming this way so don't be out for to long, have a goodnight and don't be on phone while driving again or i'm going to have to give you a ticket". The officer says. "Of course officer have a goodnight" y/n says they waited as the officer pulled away from them, finishing putting in the stores address.

Y/n's pov:

I groaned as I watch the cop pull away I then called up Milo really quick after three rings he picked up "Hey Y/n how was work are you home yet?"he asked "No I'm not I got pulled over for being on my phone." Haha your so stupid I'm guessing you got the screaming thing of the shit show snow storm you don't have any food thought I was over when you weren't at your house so good luck." he hung up with saying that he was right I wouldn't have anything to eat if I got snowed in at home since I had been eating fast food instead of going to the store because i was being lazy and it always backfires on me I quickly tapped o my maps app then I typed up stores then pick the one that was close it was about twenty minutes from here and fifteen from my house and it wouldn't be that long in the store 

'twenty minutes later of driving'

I stopped the directions after I parked my car "I guess I should be quick I might be fucking hailing when I get out of the store" I said to myself in a low tone walking to the stores door as i got closer to the doors automatically open for me as i walked in I saw the register with a teenage looking boy at it with dirty blonde hair a black t-shirt and a jacket over it reading a book with earbuds in looking bored I looked away from him looking at the small store it wasn't that big but it looked like it had everything I looked back at the cashier i then saw his name tag that read Vic on it he then quickly looked up for his book he was reading looking very annoyed then looking back at his book and said "You gonna buy something or just stand there because i can give you a job as a coat rack if you are" I was caught off guard by his rudeness watching him as he slowly flip through is book it seems he doesn't care if i don't respond back or not but I didn't I started to slowly respond "Damn guess your Mom didn't teach any manners but do you know which aisle the meat is on I'm kinda in a hurry to get before the snow gets worse."I stood there for a second   Vic looked not to happy about the comment I made but he looked down and just flips the page to his book again he then shrugs his shoulders I was already feeling frustrated from getting pulled over early i just sighed and stride past him grabbing a basket  I heard him laugh a little under his breath as I walk past he finally said "butcher's in the back....good luck." I respond with a quiet "Thank you sir." as i walked he gave a response but i was to far from him to hear  i slowly walked through the aisle's grabbing stuff I need as I walked to the meat counter as I get to the end of the aisle I can finally see the  red glow of red from the fresh meats under display freezer lights I could see a glimpse of someone looking back and forth behind the counter I then remembered the last thing that Vic said that slightly unsettled Good luck I don't know why  but I went up to the butchers counter anyway but no one was there I sworn i saw someone back here shifting around I said to myself,I then notice small little bell then rung it but no one came Oh well it's not like i really needed anything cut there's a butch of cuts in front of me i thought,looking at the meat I don't think I ever seen meat this fresh before,the marbling was so bright cherry red and it was like it was drawing me in.There's just so many all of them have there names on them written slopply I can't imagine such a small town has such a high demand for meat.I was really shocked when i looked but to see a big tan man with dark purple eyes and brown hair with lighter highlights in them there were also some visible tattoo's because he had  a black tank top on he was looking at me very intently and smiling he had a slight tooth gap I felt intimidated by him he was tall very tall and very big I but i felt my cheeks heat as my eyes drifted down to his arms he was muscular "there is  was no way he didn't work out" i thought but looking at his arms i also noticed he has a lot of scars too  I wanted to ask but i knew it would be to rude as if on cue the man spoke up "Heh,takin' in the goods  sweetheart? Don't be nervous I know i look big and scary but I'm as gentle as a lamb by the way I'm Tate. Tate frost. You look you ain't from around here,are ya'?"  "No not really I just moved here like a week ago so i haven't gotten around here that often and have busy with getting everything set I'm y/n btw it's nice to meet you!" i said "Heh...cute if ya' want i could help ya'  with the ruarelness of the I know it can get awful lonely in these woods. Ain't much for miles an' all. I could definitely help  keep ya' warm at night if ya' wanted Sha."Tate said I felt my cheeks grow warmer at his forwardness part of me wanted to take him up on the offer but the rational part of myself reminded me he was still a stranger The least he could do is buy me dinner fist i thought "So" Tate started "what's a cute thing like you doin' out here so late anyways?" "Oh I'm getting some food before the storm because i've only been eating out so i wouldn't have any food if i got snowed in speaking of that aren't you worried of getting stuck here." "Nah I ain't worried it's happened before" he said "What that's happened before are you sure it's safe!?" I said clearly worried "Hahaha! God damn you're cute,how am I gonna let you get away?Awful sweet of you to care,honey,but i'm a big strong guy ain't no one messed with me left totally intact.Ain't nothin' to concern yourself over,sweetheart." Tate said,I was very curious of what he capable of I as thought something was telling me to leave but there was something about him that made me feel comfortable around him. I considered to give him my number but I knew i would probably be here very often because how far everything else is it would be better to know him through that then giving out my number,He then started speaking again "Heh,you thinkin' bout' somthin',my Sha? You're lookin' awful deep in thought."it snapped you back into your thoughts and you remembered why you were here in the first place you then said "I'm sorry Tate I would really love to talk to you more but i should really get going before the storm gets even worse i will definitely see you again." Tate sighed giving a slight disappointed  in his expression and then smiled again saying "I'll see you again my Sha don't go missn' me to much." I then quickly grab a cut of meat so Tate couldn't see me blushing and walk to the register Vic was still there but his book was gone and he had his head on his arm I'm pretty sure he was asleep so i tapped on his shoulder he jumped a little when I did he looked at the my basket that was almost full he let a loud huff I then heard shuffling behind and Vic looked scared then said "I hope you found everything alright Mx. you can hand me your basket so I ring everything up for you"  he said grabbing the basket from me I was caught off guard by his sudden sweetness I then turned around see Tate right behind me I say "oh geez what are you doing from the butchers counter Tate?" a little surprised by him being behind me all of the sudden "I was just making sure Vic wasn't giving you a hard time Sha." i was a little curious so I asked "What does Sha mean because you've been calling me it most of the time is it like a slang for friend?"He looked down at me and said "My god,you're adorable ya' know that? I  could just Eat.You.Up. No, no,Honey."Sha" is Cajun for "Sweetheart" or...Somethin' i think  is to cute." Vic then cleared is throat I turn back around to him he then said "With everything it's going to be 27.89"  fuck that's a lot i said i thought under my breath but Tate quickly said "take off the cut there getting I'll pay for it since there so precious" I blushed a little at this and was going to protest but Vic had done it super fucking fast and said "your new total is 15.76" you quickly grab your wallet and pull out a twenty and give it to Vic telling him to keep everything he keep asking if you were sure until you left the store lucky you got back before the storm got really you then as I locked my door and put all my stuff I bought away and decide to called up Milo again to tell him about Tate there was just something about him when I did it rang five times before he picked up "Hello what is it did something happen are you okay." he asked "Woah bro chill i'm fine what's your problem." I said "Dude it's eleven at night that's my fucking problem." I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at the time sure enough it was eleven "Well damn suck to be a bitch like you but short note I meet a guy he's cute." I said "WHAT what's his name how old is he was it the police officer?"he screamed most of it "No it isn't the police officer his name is Tate and he's about mid thirties." "MID THIRTIES ARE YOU SERIOUS YOUR FUCKING TWENTY-ONE." "Yeah not eighteen i'm fine my parents are ten years apart and your are twelve it's not going to kill me."I said "S-shut up you fucking bitch i'm just being a good brother." "Sure says you but  if I had to guess he could be younger I didn't ask I can always ask when I see him next week."  "You didn't ask what a idiot." "Yeah yeah goodnight grump grump I love you big bro." I hung up without him responding I  then shuffled down my hall way to my bedroom deciding  that I will take a shower in the morning knowing that I most likely will get the day off tomorrow because of the storm I changed into more comfortable clothes for bed and flopped on it grabbing the phone charger for it plugging it in placing it on my night stand next to me then got into a comfortable position slowly drifting off to sleep thinking was this a bad day?

 Thanks for reading my story anyways see you next chapter <3

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