Ace Degenerate

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Amelia wakes up to sound of giggling over the baby monitor and she sits up and rubs her eyes and gets dressed into a pair of nike shorts and a Harry Potter shirt that she cut to make it into a crop top she puts her hair into a messy bun. Amelia heads across the hall to the nursery and she picks up Elias and changes his diaper and puts him into a blue onsie and blue jeans and socks and she puts him back into his crib and she heads to Stella and changes her diaper and puts her into a tights and a onsie that has a tutu and a hairband that has a bow on it. She carries them down the halls and she feeds them their bottles and she has a quick breakfast and she gets on her phone and texts with Yasmin who is Stellas godmother and Moon is Elias godmother. Yasmin and Moon made Sam join the friend group and Yasmin and Moon are the only friends that stayed by her side when she got pregnant so when school starts in 1 week she will be an outcast. At lunch she hear the door bell and she answers and sees Eli and Demetri and she let's them in and Demetri pulls out a bag of fast food so she leads them to her room and she sits on her bed and pulls out a baby monitor and she looks at the boys and Demetri speaks for them and says " Amelia you can sit with us if you want." I nod and then Elias start to cry so I shoot up and I run to them in the nursery and I pick him up and he stops crying he wants company so I bring him into my room and I sit down with him in my hands and Eli looks at me and I smirk and I say " You want to hold your handiwork." He blushes and sits down on the bean bag chair and my phone vibrates and Demetri checks and says " Yasmin texted and says I got loads of baby clothes for Stella and Elias and they adorbes." I smile and I look at Elias who has Blue eyes and he has a cheeky smirk he is gonna be a Heartbreaker.

2 days later
I find out that Yasmin did a hit and run on some loser with moon and Sam but the bum was okay. I shake my head and I put on a pink skater skirt and a pale blue blouse and my put my hair in French braid and I put on my black vans and I thankful that Amanda took the twins to daycare and I grab my purse and I head to the mall and I go into Forever 21 and I buy some cute back to school clothes and I buy some new stuff and I head to the comic store and I see Demetri and Eli and I walk over to them and Demetri asks " Where are Elias and Stella?" I say " They started Daycare yesterday." They nod and Eli hands me some money for support no one of the adults no that he is the baby daddy. My father will freak out and his mom will not look at him the same but he told his birth father but he is loaded his last name is some color but Eli has never met the man.

I am back at home and I put on some sweat pants and I put on a sports bra and I start to do some exercises and I work out and I put on some music. I sing along to Stairway to heaven and I do some sit ups. I stop when I feel a presence in the doorway and I see dad and he looks at me and says " Amelia I want you on your best behavior at school and stay away from the no good punk that got you into trouble last year." I nod and he leaves and I sit on my bed and I go on my laptop and I go on my Facebook and I see my posts about the twins got some likes. I wasn't made fun of because I had Yasmin and Moon protecting me but I lost my popularity and I was made to sit with Demetri and Eli and Sam became popular. Eli helped me name them but we can't get along all because of that stupid night in August where I was sad and angry at my dad and we hooked up and I got pregnant and they were a week early the due date was May 11th but they were born May 4th.

Elias Aziel Larusso was born first at 5:25 Am
Then Stella Iris Larusso born 5:35 am and they are quite close and have a bond only twins can have.

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