the signs aesthetics

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⋆ Aries: Bonfires, red nails, laughter, late night fast food run, bows

⋆ Taurus: sunny days, flowers, dip dyed hair, holding hands

⋆ Gemini: stargazing, tears of laughter, purple lipstick, cat eye eyeliner, train journeys

⋆ Cancer: messy buns, pink cheeks, nose rings, farm animals, stage light

⋆ Leo: bunches of flowers, gold jewelry, messy bedsheets, heart beating fast, roller coasters

⋆ Virgo: lakes, springs, your first kiss, ponytails, adventures, trees

⋆ Libra: sleepovers, tears of joy, chocolate, beaches at sunset, tea

⋆ Scorpio: hugs, ice, over thinking, sunflowers, midnight talk

⋆ Saggittarius: oversized jumpers, sugar, pack of cards, feeling free, street lights

⋆ Capricorn: candles, fields and parks, summer, huge smiles, kisses on the cheek

⋆ Aquarius: rain, pillow fights, polaroid pictures, reading, fairy lights

⋆ Pisces: lavender, photography, the smell of old books, skirts, phone conversations at 1 am, lilies

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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