Chapter 1: First Love

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Kenndell's P.O.V:

  Lets just say this all started when i was 17. I was in the prime of my life, until i met a guy that promised me the world . Little did i know he was the leader of a gang. I didnt know this information at the time. We dated for 18 months, when my dad found out and was furious. He told me that i had to end everything with him or else. I didnt listen to my dad, its probably one of the biggest mistakes ive ever made in my life.

   Throughout the eighteen months i dated him, he had been arrested, he nearly killed a man, he was getting drunk an staying out late, and had recently started to beat me. Thats why i have to get away from him. 

Derrick, the devil himself. That was his name. Derrick McCormic. He threatend me, saying if i ever tried to leave him hed kill me. He always told me, if he couldnt have me, nobody could.

 Right now, hes out somewhere, probably with his gang or just flat out cheating on me. I quickly walk into my closet and grab a medium sized black duffel bag from the top shelf and start packing all the clothes i could fit with some of my most cherished belongings.

  As im walking out the door, i stumble into Derrick, he looks down and notices my duffel bag. He furrows his eyebrows and asks, "Where the hell do you think your going?"

"I-I was g-going to v-visit my f-family."

Great, Kenndell now he knows Your lying! "Your lying to me." Shit.Shit.Shit "N-no im not."

He grabs me by my hair and yanks me back inside, beginning to beat me. I scream in pain as he punches me in my face causing me to fall to the ground with a loud thump. He then immediatly begins kicking me in my stomach repeatedly. He got down on his knees and screamed in my face, "I told you, dont ever think about leaving me! if i cant have you nobody can!" He punched me one last time and everything went black.

I woke up the next morning, half naked and bruised with a major headache. I sat up and noticed i was alone, i quickly got up and put on my clothes which were scattered all around the room. I limped over to the door and peered out. I noticed Derrick sitting on the sofa watching daytime television. I scan around the room of which i woke up in and see my duffel bag thrown in the corner. 

As quickly as i can, i grab it and get out through the window. Finally being able to escape him.



Well heres the first chapter. I hope you like it. Please no hate. Comment and Vote. Thanks.


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