Poem 64

8 3 5

Lonely but not Alone

"Wish someone would love me and care for me;
As if I am the apple of their eye
Who they're afraid to lose
And would give their all just for me, their joy.

But I guess, it will just remain a wish after all
Who would love me that way?
I don't even deserve it
Just a sack of flesh and bones, am I?

Seeing others be happy with their special someone
While I fade away as the darkness embraces me and I accept it wholeheartedly.
No one really notices me anymore,
And I find myself as a nobody.

But now, it is time for me to let go;
Let go of the darkness's stranglehold
I can finally see how I can defeat
The negativety that lurks within me.

I start hanging out with old friends
Whom I unknowingly got away from
I finally see that I myself alone,
Can rise up and shine to the core.

I don't need anyone to do that for me:
Those lovely words and those caring ones,
For I finally know that I maybe lonely,
But I'm not alone.
I've got me and my soul,
Hand in hand to the very end."

By - Alora

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