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Defiance, pride and impenitence are all I can think of at this moment.

"Get up!" My father bellows, wrapping my long, brunette hair around his knuckles as he drags me off the floor. Blood continues to drip from my cheek after I lost consciousness from his brutal force.

"Sit there!" He roars, his mind conjuring up ways to go through with a well deserved vengeance. Although I'm not sorry for what I did. He deserved it.

I stare at the bloodstained knife, lying on the floor, "I should've aimed for your throat." I remark slyly, my eyes travelling to the wound I left in his arm.

His eyes widen in shock at my words, a mixture of anger and slight fear becomes evident in his face. He stalks purposefully towards me, his hand gripping my cheeks firmly as he tilts my face towards his. "And I should've given you up, but it looks like we both didn't get what we wanted." He releases his grip roughly, causing me to strain my neck in the process.

I only stabbed him to protect Aziel. I couldn't just stand there and watch him hit my brother for no apparent reason. My father, Alessandro, is the burden I am forced to carry. I can never be happy as long as he's in my life.

A small tear rolls down my cheek but I immediately wipe it away before it has the chance to bear existence. The last thing I need is for him to see how weak I am.

"In fact, I did." He turns around, a large grin plastered across his villainous face.

"What?" My heart drops. No. This can't be the moment where he tells me that he-

"I sold you, Adora." He smiles, his eyes brightening up as though he had just won the lottery.

My heart races. My mind races. The bones in my body become weak and I collapse off the chair and land on the floor.

He didn't. It's just some sick joke. A mind game. Some sort of manipulation tactic to get me to back down from his power.

My throat struggles to release a word as I slowly fall into darkness. A cloud, grey as mist suffocates me. A mist of sadness, anger and pain. Oh the pain.

I continue to stare into space, my body frozen in time, my eyes locked in a dreamlike state, my knees sinking into the ground.

"Didn't I tell you that you were to marry into a wealthy family?"

"Yes. Bu-but SOLD?" I choke on the word, having it itch at my throat. "How-? Who-?"

"I did what had to be done." He gleams, stepping over my pride and smashing it to the ground.

"How?" Is the first and only question I can ask at this time. He couldn't even sell a blade of grass much less a person. Much less ME.

He starts pacing around the room, "Call it borrowing without asking." He says, that sickening smile never leaving his lips. "And when I didn't, per se, have the money to repay him, well I suggested you marry his son instead."

So it's all coming into place then. He's getting everything he wanted. "Why." I mutter bitterly. My eyes darken at the realisation. He could've just kept the money. He could've.... could've stolen a long time ago in order for us to be fulfilled; taken the lazy solution for crying out loud.

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