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POV : Kang Cheol got admission in Tromsø University, Norway. Tromsø is a beautiful city between fjords, islands and mountains with a visible past, a fascinating history, a lively colourful centre, an invincible nightlife and numerous attractions. The sun won't rise during the Polar Night Season happens every year from November 27th and last until January 15th. Polar Nights are not necessarily completely dark because the sun might be just below the horizon around noon, producing twilight.

Kang Cheol believed that vampires can only go out during night time. Yes it's true but not for a half vampire. Sunlight won't affect Kang Cheol and he realised about this fact few days before moving to Tromsø. Kang Cheol felt a bit satisfied after reaching Tromsø. He didn't felt any discomfort in conversation as he was fluent in English language.

One day he met a man on the way to college. He knew everything about Kang Cheol's identity. [About half vampire existence]

Kang Cheol was shocked as he never revealed his identity to anyone. The man gave him a visiting card.
His name is Martin.

Address : Wild wall, no. 377, Tromsø, Norway. [Phone no. : xxxxxxxxxxx]
It was a weird address but Kang Cheol managed to find this place.

Actually it was not a house, it is a huge Library with so many ancient type books.

Martin : Have a seat Mr. Kang Cheol.

Kang Cheol : H-how do you know my name?

Martin : I know everything about you, I brought you here.
*He made Mr. Kang send Kang Cheol to Tromsø.

Kang Cheol : W-what? *Nervous

Martin : The most powerful Vampire in this universe, I'm glad to meet you.

Kang Cheol : Most powerful Vampire? What are you?

Martin : I'm Martin Reginald, the master of Tremere vampire clan. I'm here to make you aware of your powers and also to teach you magic. There are some rules and regulations that you should know and follow as a vampire.

Kang Cheol : Do vampires have rules and regulations?

Martin : Yes, Tremere clan Vampires are not allowed to harm innocent people. Clan's main aim is to kill the werewolf, our enemies. The werewolf who killed the clan leader is a Primordial, the most powerful werewolf type. He can disguise himself to a human. Nobody have seen his face. It's hard to recognise if a person is a werewolf or not.

Kang Cheol : Is there any way for me to be a human again?
*Kang Cheol hates to be a vampire. He was craving to be a normal human again.

Martin : There's only one way. I'll tell you.

From that day onwards Kang Cheol started visiting Martin's place after his class.

*Kang Cheol's first class.

Martin : Do you wanna know something from me?

Kang Cheol : Y-yeah! You said that I'm from Tremere clan. What's that?

Martin : Umm... This clan was found in 18th century. Tremere was a powerful mage turned vampire. While he was mortal he was one of the founders of the Order of Hermes and creator of House Tremere, that would eventually become the vampiric Clan Tremere.

He tested many spells to create eternal life, but found them all fatally flawed. Finally, he concluded that the only form of immortality, without severely degrading the use of magic, was vampirism. After becoming a Cainite, he diablerised Saulot in 1133 CE.

Tremere was an eastern European mage who was known for being cold-blooded, brilliant, and a radical. He had received his training under master Guorna, and was one of his senior pupils alongside a young Master Tytalus. Tremere and Tytalus were raised together as brothers.Tremere proved to be ambitious enough to create his own house (most Hermetic Houses were named after titles or mages who existed near the founding of the Order), as he was unwilling to yield to Tytalus, who had similar sentiments and founded House Tytalus instead.

Tremere was the youngest and weakest of the Order's founders, and compensated by establishing a strict, militaristic culture for his House.
Tremere rallied his students and launched an intensive program of research and rebuilding that shook vampiric society. They developed a blood-fueled imitation of Hermetic theory, the Thaumaturgy discipline, as well as horrors such as Gargoyles to defend the fledgling line.

Kang Cheol : A cruel one?

Martin : Yes, He was killed by Vampire hunders by piercing his heart. One of his disciples, Richard made rules and restrictions for Tremere clan. He just didn't wanted to hurt innocent people. He found places where there are blood donors for vampires. Humans eat food for gaining energy like that Vampires need blood to gain energy. He found different ways to collect blood. Richard became the leader of Tremere clan and Hence, Tremere became the most powerful Vampire clan.

Kang Cheol : Sir, are you also vampire from Tremere clan?

Martin : Haha , I'm not a vampire. I'm the master of Tremere clan. I was teaching magic.

Kang Cheol : Huff! That's a relief.

Martin : No need to be scared. No one can harm you.

*Kang Cheol is very curious.
Martin told him all the back stories of Tremere clan and also taught him magic for 6 years. After practicing the magic, he became aware of his powers. He graduated from Tromsø University for business [MBA].
After graduation he spend almost 4 years in Tromsø, hecollected lots of books related to Vampires and Werewolfs.

Mr. Kang was getting older so he wanted his son to come back to Seoul to be the CEO of Soulmics.

Kang Cheol came back to Korea for his dad. Mr. Kang is moving to the USA for a long vacation. Now Kang Cheol know how to control his powers. Nobody will be able to recognise his reality.

Kang Cheol came back to his home town. He was missing everything. He felt a relief to see everyone after 10 years.
Kang Cheol visited a famous Korean street food restaurant to have some soju and fried chicken.

He noticed Sooyun and Minso.

[Do you remember the day when Sooyun got drunk? Yeah it's the same day.]

Kang Cheol was sitting on the opposite table enjoying the conversation. He heard Sooyun describing about her ideal type. He smiled when she said, "He should be handsome like Kang Cheol."

Kang Cheol's POV

She hasn't changed her craziness over Kang Cheol of W yet.
She's so cute when she's drunk. Her cheeks are red and I feel like looking at her face for hours.

She left the place before him so he was not able to introduce himself.

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