Chapter 1

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The fire flickered barely giving any warmth in the cold dungeons. The common room was always so cold, but especially during the holidays when everyone was home and there were no other bodies to produce little bits of heat. I heard the footsteps coming down from the boys dorm. Regulus.

"Hey" he almost whispered. 

"What do you want?" I retorted. This Christmas holidays was by far going to be the worst. The only part I was looking forward to is less time with my pureblood supremacist family. I hated the lot of them, the halfbloods and muggleborns were still witches and wizard. They still attended Hogwarts. And the Muggles. They never did anything!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Regulus sat down next to me, "I just came to see how you were feeling". Merlin I hated him so much, or at least I was trying to hate him. How can you hate someone who's so fucking perfect.

"I'm fine" I replied back, not even sparing him a glance. "What are you still doing here though?"

I heard a sigh and then he replied, "You shouldn't be alone, I just wanted to keep you company. I mean seeing as though soon enough it's always going to be us..."

I hate the way he said that. There was no us, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to him at all if it hadn't been for our parents. Of course I didn't say anything to him, he already seemed pretty depressed.

All I had wanted for my life was to graduate from Hogwarts and then disappear into the muggle world where I wouldn't have to deal with any of this stupid stuff. But now I was here two days away from turning 17 and three from my arranged marriage with Black. All the emotions started swirling up inside of me. Anger, sadness, fear, and so many more.

"I'm going to take a stroll" I couldn't let anyone see me all vulnerable. He didn't reply and I stood up, straightened my skirt and headed out.

As it was the winter holidays the hallway was nearly empty. I tugged at the sleeves of my dark green sweater. A fucking arranged marriage, it's true I'd never had a boyfriend, but maybe I'd never planned on getting married or any part of that sort of life. I'd never wanted children, I was going to live my own and do my own thing.

As I reached the outdoors the cold wind nipped at my uncovered nose, but it didn't bother me. I was too lost in my thoughts. The Slytherin common room was barely any better than this.

I could feel tears starting to build up in my eyes. A couple even slipped through. I went to the Black Lake and sat under a huge tree. My fingers were starting to turn purple, yet I sat there. My whole body stung from the cold, I could see small snowflakes on my eyelashes.

Had I any friends, I might've headed to them to cheer me up. But I didn't. The only person I'd ever consider to be my friend was a muggleborn boy named Jack. Of course my family never knew that we'd been friends, although I didn't have to worry about them finding out about him anymore. He and his family had moved away due to all of the killings taking place during winter holidays last year. But I'd spent a whole year without him, I'd gotten over it.

Suddenly a voice lurched me out of my self pity state. "Merlin! You're going to catch a cold out here!" I turned around to see a hufflepuff girl in 7th year. "I'm fine" I replied back with a bitter tone.

She didn't leave and instead said, "Why don't you come back to the Hufflepuff common room with me!" with a bright smile. She started rambling about the danger of the cold and hypothermia as I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I just wanted peace and quiet and it seemed that even here I couldn't get it.

Before I knew it I was getting dragged up by the girl against my will. The hufflepuff girl and I headed towards the Hufflepuff common room where she took out her wand and knocked on a couple barrels near the door which swung open when she was done. I sat on the yellow cushioned couches thinking how much more inviting this place looked than Slytherins' common room still in a some-what trance.

The girl said she would get me a blanket and went up to get it despite my protests. I looked around curiously at the skylight and the potted plants hanging on the wall. My gaze turned to the table in front where I noticed a gold necklace with an hourglass. My eyes widend in realization, I was staring at a time turner.

I picked it up immediately to examine but from behind me I heard a girl shriek, I spun around quickly, and then became annoyed when I realized she was just talking with her friends. In my shock the necklace slipped through my hands and hit the floor with a clink.

The hourglass broke and I was engulfed in a green smoke and sand. The last thing I saw was the hufflepuff girl on the stairs holding a blanket with a shocked, or was it scared, look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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