Chapter One: New Blood

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Blood. Red staining blood. Everywhere from the corners of the dark room, up until the ceiling as the liquid dripped onto the floorboards. Sounds of it echoed throughout the unfamiliar area that once seethed with life. Standing in the middle of the room, I glanced around as my heart paced faster than the speed of light, breath caught up in my throat and having a seemingly hard time to escape.

Eyes diverting to the one sofa that was untouched by the stains. A hiss. No, more than just a hiss. It was whispers. Whispers of a snake that would mess with my brain with unspoken words and curses. Gulping down the saliva I had stored in my parched mouth, the feeling of my body being glued to the floor was tremendous.

Barely able to find my voice, I tried to scream for help. Help that I could not even dream to confiscate. Goosebumps emerging on my skin as I felt the dark room getting colder and colder, as if a ghost just entered the premises and it was nearing me.

My back bristled, the small hairs on my neck standing up as a dark aura fulfilled the roomsurrounding me.
"Kill the boy." The sudden voice emerged from the sofa, the room finally getting lighter as my eyes adjusted to it.

Narrowing my eyes I stared at the sofa intently, knowing the voice that would dare to speak even an ounce. Sweat dripping from my forehead, the hissing of the snake only grew louder, until..
Until a hand stretched out from the sofa.

Long, slender finger with the palest skin, stretched out towards me before uttering the next and final words.

Sitting up in my bed as I gasped for longing air, it took me a split second to make out exactly where I was. I blinked my E/C hues, both wandering across the room and other beds before a relieved sigh escaped my mouth. I was still in my dorm.

Rubbing my eyelids, I could feel sweat bedraggling down onto my hands. Hearing a familiar female voice behind me, I looked up and into honey hues.
Blonde brows knitted together, the girl tilted her head in concern. "Had another nightmare?" Smiling softly, I nodded before clasping my hands together on the bed cover.
"An awful one at that."

Yawning, I stretched my arms out before I swung my legs out of the comfortable bed; yellow light from outside the window falling onto it and letting it glow a golden color.
"Have you even packed yet?"

Looking at the blonde, my legs ambled towards my closet before opening it and showing her it was empty-handed. "All in my suitcases."
Humming in response, she sighed before striding to her side of the room. Anticipation lingered in the air, as I got my new outfit all set up on the end of my bed.
A cloak.

Not lying to myself, I was apprehensive of the new British school I will go to. I was more afraid of which house I would end in than actually going there.
"I guess you should get ready then, the flying carriage will wait outside the school."

The blonde left the room, closing the oak door behind her as she left me, now all alone. Hand grabbing he clothes, it  lutched it tightly before I took off my sleepwear and pull on the new set of foreign clothing.

Sitting down, I got on my school flats. The dream, or most likely nightmare, still stuck on my mind, replayed like a lullaby. The voice, whispers, even the sort of room I was in.. Couldn't all be a coincidence.
Hearing the blonde's voice emerging from outside the dorm door, I was snapped out of my daze as I quickly grabbed for my suitcases and pet cat.
"I'm coming Anastasia."

Ambling long strides to the school yard of Ilvermorny, Anastasia was right. The carriage was already waiting for my presence to one day show up.
Pegasi neighing as their dark pools stared us down, the uneasy feeling of leaving home tensed in my chest.

Having my luggage and cat already in the carriage, I was now only waiting for my leave.
Anastasia stood in front of me, long blonde hair now pulled up into a bun, emerald hues filled with a watery substance.
"Do visit me when you have the chance, yeah?"

Nodding my head, I pulled her close to me, arms hugging her tightly as if it was our last goodbye. Wind howling around us, the man whom rode the carriage had finally arrived and took his seat.

Rocking back and forth with Anastasia, the mutual feeling would disperse into tiny pieces in just a few minutes. "Promise me you won't have any nightmares anymore."

"I'll try." I contorted. Breaking the hug, I walked backwards, hearing the man grumble to hurry up the pace. Giving Anastasia one last reassuring smile, I backed up and climbed into the carriage.

I felt the carriage started to lift from the ground, and soon enough we were soaring through the air to my desired destination. Looking out the window, I said myast goodbye to Ilvermorny, before it fully despirsed behind the puffy clouds.

Sitting back in my chair, I fiddled my fingers timorously as I thought of the new path ahead of me. A new school. New house. New friends. All the better, it is known that the boy who lived lives there. Glancing back out the window, I could see the grassland turning into deep blue water, the ocean taking its place.

Not only will I go to a new wizardry school, but I'd have to eventually learn their ways and forget Ilvermorny's. Leaning my head against the wall, I closed my eyelids as my chest heaved up and down slowly.

For once in my life, I never imagined this would happen. Meeacing my home behind. However it had to be done one time or another. Even if these wizards see me as new blood, I had other important matters to discuss.
Important matters such as one thing.

Harry Potter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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