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When we reached the place, me and my mother got out. It looked giant, but it was nothing to new to me as our previous house itself was quite big.

Me and my mother walked in. I trailed behind her as she led the way to the living room. I let my eyes wander about the place until I saw a man standing Infront of us. He was tall, sweet-looking and smartly dressed. My mother rushed into his arms, hugging him and almost ignoring my presence. After a few seconds they let go and turned back to me.

"Grace, this is Steven, your new father."

I wanted to correct her and say stepfather but I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to be scolded Infront of him.

"Nice to meet you."
I said quietly, looking down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Grace, I know moving in is quite a big thing so I thought my son could help you get settled."

I raised my head in shock after hearing the word son. My eyes glanced to my mother, seeking answers but she looked away trying to avoid the situation.

It wasn't long till I heard footsteps coming down the large staircase to my left. My eyes glanced up and saw my new stepbrother. I almost gasped seeing what he looked like. He wore a black sleeveless shirt that stuck to his body. He had tattoos covering his arms, messy hair and a well maintained beard.

I tried hiding behind my mother but considering she was standing on the other side of the room with my stepfather, made it a little difficult. The man before me, intimidated me. He was tall and buff, with a cold look on his face. It scrunched up a little, almost in disgust as his father introduced him to me.

"This is Grace, your new sister. The one I was telling you about."

He let out a noise what seemed like an annoyed grunt before staring at me.


I said shyly. I said it so quietly I was unsure if he even heard me. He started walking upstairs halfway through when his father and my mother talking about marriage. I was a little shocked at his disrespect, my mother would've killed me if I did something like that.

I was brought out of my haze by a voice.

"Sorry about my son, he can be moody at times, since he's gone up, I hope you don't mind showing yourself to your new room."

His tone left me to ask no questions and I sighed as I headed upstairs ignoring them two flirting downstairs. Their actions made me cringe.

I reached the long hallway and looked around. I tried finding my room but everytime I opened the door there was a bathroom or a storage room so I decided to knock on Nico's door. His door was the only black one among the white ones, along with a gold door knob, anyone could tell straight away it was his room.

Just before I could knock, the door opened almost aggressively.

He said aggressively as he stood Infront of me giving me his dark eyes.

"I-I can't find my room."
My answer was meant that come out loud and proud but I couldn't help but feel like a mouse under his gaze. I just wanted to hide in a corner and cry to myself.


"Your d-dad said you'd help."

I wanted him to just point to a door so I could finally hide myself in my new room. Instead he grabbed me roughly by the shirt and pulled me into his room, slamming his door shut. He gave me his spiteful eyes.

"Listen here little one, you should stay out of my fucking way. I want nothing to do with gold diggers."
The idea that someone thought of me so low had me tearing up. We weren't gold diggers. We had money too. Why is he being mad at me, it's not like I was begging them to get married.

I squeezed my mouth shut, trying to stop the sob from escaping my lips. My eyes glossed up and I pulled myself away from his deathly grip and ran out the room.
After what felt like ages opening doors to random rooms I finally found  the one that was mine.
My luggage was in the corner and there was another two doors leading to a bathroom and a dressing room.

I look in the mirror and see the smudged mascara under my eyes.
I grab some face wash and wash my makeup off before getting changed into a warm oversized hoodie. I pray that my mother doesn't walk in. She doesn't like hoodies or anything comfortable at all for that matter.
She always says 'beauty is pain'
and there is no phrase I hate more in this world.

I quietly lay in my bed and think about everything that occured today. How could he think me and my mother were gold diggers? I express my rage to myself knowing I'd never have the guts to say anything to his face, he's too scary. So instead I lie here in my bed swearing at the people in my life in my head because momma says it's not lady-like to swear. Well jokes on her, she never said anything about swearing in your head.

I look at the time realising it's only 7 but I don't care. I don't want to leave my room is which is now my new found save haven.
I snuggle more into my duvet and bed, feeling like it's the only place where I can escape from reality. I'm exhausted after the long day and before I know it I'm fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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