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Saturday, October 10
6:00 am
     I wake up in my room at the Chateau where John B lives. His dad passed away about two years ago and he couldn't keep up with the bills on his own. He ended up putting an ad in the paper for a roommate and that's how I came to live here. My dad died when I was 10 and my mom was very abusive wether it be physical, mental, or emotional. I got emancipated as soon as I turned 16. So this is the best life has ever gotten for me. I'm on my own. It's not like I need anybody else anyway.
     I have a job for a pretty nice Kook family so I get paid pretty fair amounts for the jobs I do. I buy the food in the house and keep the lights on even when his friends eat all the food the day I buy it. He pays the sewer/water bill and gives me a ride to work sometimes, not often, though, because him and the Kook family's kid don't get along. I'm not friends with either of the boys but I get along okay with both of them. Now that I think about it, I don't have any friends.
     I get up and out of bed and put on a shirt over my bra then grab my shower stuff and head across the hall. My room is right by the living room where there are two pogues sleeping. The girl, Kiara, is on the pull out couch and the boy, Pope is on the floor next to the bed. I look out the window to see JJ asleep on the couch that lies on the porch and look out to see that I slept through one of the biggest storms I've been alive for. I go back to the bathroom shrugging it off and start my shower.
     I strip of my pants and shirt and grab my phone to play music. I pick a song and fix the water temperature and get in. I don't know how long I sit in the water for. I just know that I was lost in my own world as I washed my hair which lead to me getting soap in my eyes. I reach for the towel and realize it's not there. I forgot to get it outta the dryer last night. This is so awkward but I grab my shirt and wipe my eyes then finish my shower quickly.
     "John B!" I yell hoping he's awake by now. I need my towel. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "John B?" I ask. Usually he just yells from his room. I mean that's not often but, he's never came to the door before. He's kind of lazy.
     "Not quite sweetheart." The boy says from the other side of the door. JJ?  What does he want. "What'd you need J.B. for? He's asleep? Though I'm pretty sure id be much better help with whatever you need right now." He says and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
     "Ew" I roll my eyes. "I need a towel. Mine's in the dryer can you get it for me?" I ask nicely hoping he'd do as I asked. I don't hear him anymore so I'm hoping he went to go get it for me. A few seconds later there's a knock on the door I open it and he pokes his hand with the towel dangling from it through the crack. I reach for it but he pulls his hand out and I scold him. "Give me the towel JJ Maybank or I swear to God I'll-"
     "Kiss me?" He asks making me losey train of thought. "Sorry love. Here ya go." He then hands me the towel and walks away. I dry off quickly and get dressed for work, then check the time to see how much time I have left. One hour. Great. I do my makeup, put on my shoes, brush my hair, and then head out the door to walk to work. What the hell happened this morning? I think to myself. He called me sweetheart and love. Is that just normal for him? I don't talk to him much bc we don't have much in common. I have a lot in common with Kiara and Pope, but JJ, we're almost polar opposites.
     I get to work and see Topper waving his mom off to wherever she works. She's never been here on Saturdays when I'm working so it's normal. Topper and I don't talk too much but we get along pretty okay unless his girlfriend, Sarah, is here. It's like he wants to keep up this 'Kook Prince's image for her, but she's really sweet to me. Luckily, but also not, Sarah isn't here today so I get on with my work and have a few small conversations with Topper. About two or three hours later I'm done and Topper pays me. He gave me $700. I tell him that's too much and that his mom usually only pays me $350. He told me to keep it and I agreed because I do kind of need it. I haven't had nicotine in three weeks and the food was getting pretty low in the house.
     I leave and head straight to the grocery store grabbing some fruits and chips and sandwich stuff along with something for me to make for dinner. Maybe I can have dinner with John B and the Pogues at least once. Maybe get to know them a little bit. After I pay, I leave the store and walk back to the Chateau to put the groceries away. I change out of my clothes into some workout clothes and go on my run. I end up going to the vape shop/ drugstore and getting a few things for me and some alcohol for everyone at the house.
     I go home and it's only noon. Everyone's still asleep so I decide to make breakfast for everyone. I grab the bacon and eggs out of the fridge and start making them and some waffles because waffles will always be better than pancakes. JJ walks in as I'm making the food and sits at the island table. He usually doesn't talk to me much but he does tease me a lot and flirt I guess. It's all just fun and games though. I finish cooking and make some plates. I set mine in the microwave for now and hand JJ his then go to walk out the kitchen to wake everyone else up.
     "They left to go talk to Kie's parents." JJ says behind me. He tells me they should be back soon and I grab my plate and sit down next to him. He eats everything on his plate except for the waffles.
     "You full?" I ask him.
     "I just don't like waffles." He says putting me into shock.
     "What?! You can't not like waffles." I say sternly.
     "Pancakes are way better!" He says offended a bit. Making me offended.
     "No. Waffles are the best." I pause for a second. "I don't think we're gonna be able to get along." At that everyone walks into the kitchen.
     "Something smells amazing* Kie says with a bright smile plastered on her face.
     "You can say that again." -Pope
     "What'd you make?" John B asks me. I move and show him the stove and they all gasp and sit down. I hand them their plates and go rinse mine off since I'd finished during the argument with JJ about waffles and pancakes.
     I start to head to my room but John B stops me and asks me to sit with them so I do. We talk for a while. Long after they've all been done eating for a bit, we're still talking and laughing about nothing and everything all at once. I've never felt more relaxed around a set of people, especially this many. They ask me to hangout today and we all go fishing, or swimming in my case since I don't know how to fish nor do I want to know.
     I get ready and come out as Kie and Pope get back from their houses in swimming trunks and a bikini with backpacks and a cooler. I wear my black Monster Energy bikini so that I can tan more because God knows I'm so white compared to the boys. I grab my backpack and slip my black jean shorts on along with a sweatshirt and put my shoes on while heading out the door with everyone else. We get in the Twinkie and JJ sits by John B in the front and Kie and Pope sit in the back. So I sit in the middle row alone just reading my book I packed in my bag, Crave by Tracy Wolff. It's the best book I've ever read. So why not read it again.
     JJ and I end up having another argument because he loves fishing and surfing and I like swimming and soccer. I swear we are complete opposites and whoever said 'opposites attract' was 100% smoking something that's definitely illegal. I don't mean weed though, because who doesn't like weed, and weed doesn't do that to you. As I was thinking about weed JJ pulls out a joint and puts it on his ear while I try not to notice. I mean I obviously already did but he doesn't need to know that.
     "And we're here" John B says turning the car off and getting out. All of us get out and follow him seeing a big house that's being built. Along the side of the house, there's a pool, then behind that is a sandy beach area.
      "Why don't we just swim in the pool?" JJ asks and I'm astonished nobody rolled their eyes at that comment. Everybody continues walking down to the beach with bags and cooler in hand. I wonder what she brought in the cooler. Nevermind, it's alcohol. I brought some in my backpack along with 2 towels, a granola bar, some leggings, and my phone. I left my book in the car because I really don't want it getting ruined.
     "Hey, John B! I have a question." I say once we all set our stuff down and start stripping into our bikinis. He looks at me and nods as if saying 'go ahead.' "Can I get a dog?"
     "No." He says simply.
     "Why not?! I mean I have no friends and I'd take good care of it!" I say kind of offended. I was hoping to get myself a Shepsky puppy for my birthday coming up next month but I don't wanna tell them that. He just shrugs and walks into the water with Kiara and Pope on either side of him. The worst part is that he acted like he was thinking about it and simply just didn't care.
     I notice JJs not with them so I look to where he was a bit ago and he's lying on the ground on Kiara's towel. "I know I don't know her well, but Kiara's probably gonna be mad for you laying on her towel." I say to him. He pulls his sunglasses off him eyes and looks me up and down then just shrugs and puts the glasses back on. Who does that.
     I grab my snack and the alcohol out of my bag and start drinking. JJ sits up and looks at me like I'm insane and I just hold one out to him. "You can have one if you open this for me." I say in such a monotone voice I think I'd have to be dead for it to be more. He shrugs and opens it then takes a sip and hands it back. "I don't want it now. You drank out of it." I say to him. He doesn't say anything but takes another drink then sets it in the sand beside him while reaching out his other hand gesturing for me to hand him another.
     I give him one and he opens it and hands it back to me. We sit there doing nothing for a bit until him and John B go to the dock to fish and I go swim with Kie and Pope. Pope Kie and I talk a lot about sea life. Pope mostly talks about different facts about turtles and how sea horse males give birth which I already knew so I tell him that Killer Whales are actually dolphins that are just big enough to be whales. I can tell I've blown his mind so I keep talking.
     "They're real name is Orca for short." I say and Kie looks at Pope for a minute who looks like he's frozen in fear. She then looks at me and I smile a sweet, innocent but genuine smile and she bursts out laughing causing Pope to glare at her but she doesn't stop. After a few hours of going back and forth with Pope, Kie grabs my arm and we go swim for a little while longer and talk about different things from how funny Popes face was, to the best music artists. She asks me about the argument me and JJ has this morning when they walked into the kitchen and agreed with me about waffles being better.
     The boys walk up and ask what we're talking about and we tell them starting a whole argument about waffles vs. pancakes. Kie, Pope, and I all believe waffles are better. JJ and John B don't like them. "That's because you've never had mine. I made them this morning and neither of you ate them." I say and Kie and Pope nod their heads in agreement. After the conversation dies down a bit we all go back to the Chateau and drink by the fire. Some of us in hammocks and some of us just standing or sitting on the ground. Today was fun. I still want a dog though.
     By midnight were all drunk but Pope and Kie are in the house most likely making out and John B is definitely sleeping after today. Which leaves me and JJ on the ground next to the slowly dying fire. We're honestly just laughing and having a good time not talking about anything important when he looks at me and I look at him. God his eyes are so blue. It's like you can see his whole soul through them. They're so clear yet so guarded. He leans in a bit snapping me out of my thoughts and kisses me. I pull away for a second not knowing what to do.
     "Sorry. Uh. I thought- sorry." He says looking all flustered and I can't help but do what I do next. I pull him in by his shirt and kiss him. We fight each other for dominance but I obviously win. I throw one leg over his lap and rest my legs on the side of his making me straddle him. Someone clears their throat behind us but I don't care right now. A few seconds later another person clears their throat and I realize it's Pope and Kie so I pull away and get off of him fast, looking down at the ground in embarrassment.
     "We're going to my house. Tell John B we'll be back tomorrow." Kie says sweetly. We agree and decide to head to bed. Things got heated too quickly and that's not normal for me. It's like I was in a trance. It makes no sense. I end up drifting asleep quickly thinking about him. But then,
     "No. Stop!" I yell at the man. I can't see his face due to all the shadows around me. It's like I know him but I don't. I recognize the scent and the height and everything pretty much but I don't know who this is. He comes into the light a bit and I can see blonde hair and then his signature smirk.  It's like, I know who he's supposed to be, but I don't know who or what  THIS is. It all goes black in that second of me trying to figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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