At the pizzaplex

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With Maisie and the others*

They went in the pizzaplex*

Maisie: Okay son, welcome to the pizzaplex.

Alli is amazed of this place*

Monty- Oh hi Maisie how are--( Sees Alli ) Sweet mother of Jesus !

Alli chirps*

Maisie: It's okay Monty, this is my son Alli.

Monty- Uh.... Hey ?

Maisie: Alli, this is my guardian Monty.

Alli: Monty...

Monty- And he speaks.

Maisie pets his back: He really does.

Alli's stomach is growling*

Alli: Mama, me hungry.

Monty- Don't worry Chica's restaurant is right over---

Once his eyes landed on Croco, Monty glared deadly..

Monty- Maisie ?

Maisie: Yes?

Monty-( Points at Croco ) What did I say about bringing CROCODILES in here ?!

Croco is nervous*

Maisie: It's okay Monty, we're friends now, besides we have a new bully at college.

Monty- Maisie there are three things I hate : the first one is CROCODILES , men flirtong with my ladies , and STUPID OUT DATED REFERENCES !!

Jimmy: Okay.

Alli: Mama, me hungry.

Maisie: We'll deal with it later, I need to feed my son.

2 minutes later, they waited, Glamrock Chica came with the pizza*

G. Chica- Here you little... Um... Guy ?

Maisie: This is my son Alli.

G. Chica- I uh... See

Glamrock Chica placed the pizza in front of Alli*

Alli looks*

Maisie: This is pizza, it tastes good.

Alli grabs a slice and he bites it, he is amazed and begins to eat it*

Jenny chuckles

Maisie smiles: He loves it.

Croco: Monty still doesn't like me.

Jenny- Dont worry. It isnt a personal thing. A red crocodile tried to replace him as " The new Monty"

Croco: Oh.

Maisie: Well after Alli is done eating, I need to find some stylish clothes for him.

Paddy: There is a clothes store in the pizzaplex

Blaze: Well I'm more concerned of what Alli is.

Then Esmeralda came back with Rico

Rico: Hey guys, me and my girlfriend make up and- *sees Alli* What is that?!

Esmeralda- Its the baby thing Maisie told us about

Maisie pets Alli: This is my son Alli, Alli, meet uncle Rico and aunt Esmeralda.

Alli: Uncle...Rico... Aunt..Esmer...alda..

Esmeralda gasped as her eyes sparkle

Rico: No way... He called me uncle and you auntie!

Esmeralda- I know !

Jenny- Anyway you were saying you too ?

Rico: Esmeralda explained everything to me and I forgive her.

Jimmy looks

Rico: And yes I can accept if you can my love's second lover.

Jimmy smiles.

Jimmy- Nice.

Esmeralda- But I also didnt tell you what actually happened in that room

Rico: Really?

Esmeral- Si um....we happen to find that new flirty perc bully named Racer in the room with us and... Um... He pinched my rear

Rico: What?!

Esmeralda- Mhm...

Rico: If I see him touch my girl again I'm gonna teach him a lesson!

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