|ice cream|

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When the movie was I've you guys all got up and chose a spot on the trampoline.
You Maddy and becca stayed on one side while the boys stayed on the other.
You opened your computer and started to play Roblox with them.
You were playing bloxburg with them when suddenly mason came over and layed next to you.
"What are you guys playing"he says resting his head on your shoulder(YOU AND MASON ARE LIKE STARTING TO GET CLOSE BUT NOT IN A WEIRD WAY LIKE A GUYS BEST FRIEND WAY)
"We are playing bloxburg"you say.
You let him play on your computer while you were just on your phone.
Then suddenly everyone came over and went on Roblox.
"What game are you guys playing"Tristin says.
"We'll rn Ima go into break in story"you say opening the Roblox app on your phone.
You guys were playing for around 15 good minutes when you started getting tired.
You yawn and then Miguel looks at you.
"Are you tired already?"he says.
"Ye abut its barley 8:00 I can't go to bed now"you say.
"Just lay down"Miguel says.
You lay down and you use masons arm as a pillow.
You want him him play Roblox and watch YouTube with him.
(Again you and mason were starting to get really close so ye)
You get up because you wanted to go get the bucket of ice cream from the fridge.
"Where are you going?"maddy says.
"Just to go get ice cream that my mom got wanna come?"you say sipping up the net to get out.
"I'll go"Miguel says.
He gets up and let's you get out first.
He closes the net up and you were already walking in the house.
You walk to the kitchen and open the fridge.
He gets out some spoons and put them in his hand.
You take out the ice cream and set it on the counter.
"You ready?"miguel says
You were about to answer but he kissed you on the cheek.
You didn't make it a big deal since you guys were all getting close and maybe he was just like that.
Your parents had left already to go see you mr aunt who lives like 3 hours away so you got lucky they didn't see.
"Uhh yea let's go"you say picking up the ice cream.
You went in the trampoline and you rolled the ice cream to Maddy and Becca.
"Ooooo"maddy says opening it.
You take the spoons from Miguel and give everyone one of them.
(Btw you guys didn't care if you guys ate from the same bucket)
You guys got in a circle and stared to play Roblox while eating ice cream.
You guys were playing when Miguel puts a spoon of ice cream to your mouth.
You ate the ice cream off HIS SPOON
After a little Roblox you guys started to get bored.
You guys were just laying there.
Maddy was in your left and Miguel was on your right.
You remember that you were just laying there then you just got covered by a blanket.

Sorry its kinda short I need to hurry and work on my other stories.

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