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I settle back with Fluffy, unlatching the saddlebag from her saddle thrown over the log. Fluffy pushes her snout into my hand, her whiskers tickling the inside of my wrist. Her large body stands between me and the trees, guarding me from a threat I'm not entirely sure is there.

"You're not so bad," I whisper, stroking my hand down her long face.

"Calling a truce?"

I glance over my shoulder to meet Killian's gaze. "I'm trying to bribe her to throw you off tomorrow."

"She'd never do it." He places a hand on her neck, angling his head down to stare at me. "We have a bond, Fluffy and I. Besides, you do realise that if I come off, so do you." He takes a step closer, causing my heart to leap. "I'd much rather ride like we did today, wouldn't you? It was rather comfortable. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who enjoyed it."

I narrow my eyes, noting the spark in his. "Go to hell."

"Lei did say you wanted me to rot in there."

I glance at her over his shoulder, scowling at something Merid said. "Traitor."

He grins down at me, gaze drifting to the saddlebag. "You should get some rest."

I glance over Fluffy's back, out into the trees, nibbling on the inside of my cheek. "Do you see those shadows?" I ask. "In between the trees?"

Killian follows my gaze, taking a small step forward as he scans the tree line. His brows pull together, and he shakes his head. The admission should reassure me. "No, why?"

"I just thought I saw something, that's all." I hesitate. "Aelin mentioned Ereon's guards were in the area."

"Of course she did," he says, unsurprised at her lack of tact.

"And you're not concerned by that at all?"

"You don't need to worry, Freya. They won't get you, not here, in such a big group of us."

I bite the edge of my lip. It isn't myself I'm worried about.

"And I mean it," he says. "Rest. We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow."

"So people keep saying." I pick up the saddlebag and hoist it over my shoulder, planning to use it as a pillow again. "Get some sleep, Cloud Piercer. Watch your step, Cloud Piercer. Can I do anything for you, Cloud Piercer?" I scoff.

I don't bother hiding the bitter tone of my words as I shift from foot to foot, waving my hand in the air. It's freezing tonight, so I start back towards the fire, scowling at every single person who called me Cloud Piercer instead of Freya tonight, which was nearly everybody Merid introduced me to.

Killian follows after me, settling on the edge of one of the logs as I drape my legs across the ground, close enough that I can feel the heat of the flames.

The festivities have mostly died down. I eye Lei from across the fire pit. She's closer to Merid now, that scowl on her face replaced with a warm smile as she listens to something he says.

"Are you really complaining about being doted on?"

"I don't even think one of them has used my name yet," I say. "They treat me like I'm royalty."

"You're a royal pain in my ass, that's for sure," Killian murmurs.

I shoot him daggers with my eyes, but he just grins in response, eyes sweeping down my frame and settling on the dagger still clutched in my hand. "You going to sleep with that?"

"Scared it'll end up at your throat?"

"Don't tempt me with a good time."

I scowl as he sinks down beside me, much closer than necessary. I watch him from the corner of my eye, following his gaze across the firepit to where the girl I was speaking to earlier, Aelin, rests against one of the fallen logs. She combs her fingers through her long, red hair, loosening the braid.

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