After hours

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Hillmark academy. Grill was hoping that he'd do well here, and wanted to embrace his editing skills more than ever. And at first, he'll admit he was a little underwhelmed by the teachers and even most of the students. Everyone sucked. Everyone but one person. His childhood best friend, chill. He went to hill mark academy with him. He was...tolerable. He always was tolerable. It comforted grill, knowing he'd have at least one person. Especially when that person just happens to be someone like chill. Someone as nice as him, as considerate and as smart as him, as good looking and-wait what? No, never mind, why'd I think of that? He pushed those thoughts away, but didn't let them go, and they came back when he saw chill walking up to him, wearing that stupid charming smile of his, and that stupid dirty blonde hair that he did in a half up pony tail that day. He waved his hand in the air when he saw grill.

"My man!" His nickname for grill. It made his face warm up ever so slightly whenever he called him that. "How long have you been out here big guy? I'm like 10 minutes late!"

Grill checked his phone. He had the intention of going inside, but he figured it wouldn't have been something he could tolerate without chill, because he had lance first period, his poor excuse of an editing teacher. "Then Ive been waitin out here for 10 minutes." He said, a fake scowl on his face. Chills smile grew at this, he was now standing next to grill, and rustled his hand through grills hair, causing him to wince a bit.

"How sweet! You waited for me?" He said in a lighthearted tone. Grill blushed, realizing how out of character it was for him. 

"Shut up. You know how I feel about lance freelance or whatever the hell his name is." They walked into the building together, finding the floor of his classroom, and walking in together. That was how you could identify them. If you saw chill, grill was probably nearby. That was just how things went with those 2. They were glued to the hip. And as much as grill hated to admit it, they we're friends. And pretty good ones, too. 

They took their respective seat, chills next to the window, grill next to him. Lance was at the front of the classroom in a suspiciously good mood. He was either high, or had something going on with someone else. Grill winced at that possibility, and grew even more confused when he saw the very noticeable red mark on his neck. He stared unapologetically at it. Lance quickly put his hand over his neck in response, slurping on some coffee from a white cup, going on with whatever he was saying. Chill nudged grills foot.

"Psst. Hey." Grill looked over. "You saw that too, right? Who do you think gave him that love bite?" Grill smiled to himself. Lance. Getting on with someone. Never in a million different timelines. He leaned back, closer so chill could hear him.

"Whoever it is, I feel bad for them" chill laughed silently to himself, trying to restrain most of it. Grill egged him on. "I mean, can you imagine it? I bet he's stop midway and be like, 'just a minute, the stock market just changed again." Chill laughed harder, still trying to hold back most of it. Grill kept going, leaning closer. "Imagine how he'd moan..." Chill looked up at him, a pleading look on his face, that read 'why are you making me imagine that?' "I bet it wouldn't even be a moan. It'd just be like...a grunt." That was when chill couldn't take it anymore, and burst out giggling. He latched onto grills shirt, letting out a small "stop" in between. "What? Am I wrong?" Chill only sighed long and lightly before putting his hand into grills thigh and patting it a few times. He let it linger before taking it back. That totally didn't make grill feel anything at all. Obviously not. Because like why would it.

Classes came and went, but they were all kind of boring. Grill was just waiting for their club activities to start. He was on the swim team with chill, so he obviously looked forward to it. And it was their first day. And when the time came, you could tell by looking at him that he was excited to beat these stupid swimming losers to the bottom of the pool. He walked into the changing lockers with his bag, waiting for chill, who followed suit and shot him a wave. 

"You ready for this, big guy?" He said, standing next to him unzipping his bag. Grill sat down on the bench, taking off his shoes, replying.

"Born ready." He said, before looking up to see chill taking off his shirt. He shamelessly watched, his hand froze as he did. He pulled off his t shirt with his arms, revealing the line that lead down his back and his shoulder blades. He had a lean figure, and he was always fit. Grill watched as chill tied his bangs up, revealing his forehead, as he looked I got he mirror in his locker. He admired him. His profile, his skin, his body, his eyes that were now looking into his, oh wait now he's smiling like a sly bastard he totally knows I've been watching him. Grill looked away suddenly, which only made chill smile even more. Chill found grill adorable. He often recalled how he's the only one close to grill. So he's the only one who can really see these sides of him. And he thanks god every time he sees grill get flustered or gets to experience his softer side. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's absolutely adorable. 

"You admiring this hot bod? Chill whipped around and striked an annoying, flamboyant pose in a teasing manner. Grill lingered a bit more on his chest and abs and the V that stopped at his pants before looking away flustered, muttering a "shut up" as he took off his own shirt. Chill just laughed to himself as he turned around and closed his locker. He walked out of the locker rooms and to the side of the pool, waiting for grill, who was stuck in the locker rooms momentarily thinking about what just happened. Was he just shamelessly looking at his best friends body like that...? No. He's just built kinda nicely. Friends admire one another's bodies, right? But was it really admiration? Why the hell did chill look so hot with his shirt off and his hair tied back anyway? It was criminal. Wasn't his fault for staring. Unless it was.

Swimming practice went pretty well. Chill was the fastest, as expected, thanks to his form and physical advantage. They'd do laps and whenever they were about to begin, chill would shoot grill a playful, mischievous smile, that read 'game on' before taking off in the water. The after hours were the best. It was a euphoric feeling. Being worked out like all hell, a towel around your shoulders, talking the glistening sunset beams away with your best friend as you walked together. Moments like those had a certain place in grills heart. It was one of the sweeter, more tolerable things in life. Almost as tolerable as chill. He looked up at him, such a carefree spirit he was. His hair was damp and curlier when it was wet, but it was drying quickly in the cool autumn winds. His cheeks were dusted a hot pink against his tan skin thanks to the weather, and he wore a t shirt with a thick jacket over it. Grill shivered a bit. It's not like he was that cold, but his other shirt got wet and he only had a tank top with him. Chill noticed.

"Hey man, you cold?" He touched grills shoulder, realizing how cold it was. "Oh, dude, why didn't you tell me earlier! Here, share with me! Let's go to a coffee shop or something!" He took his jacket off and let it sling around his own body, before throwing the other side of it over grill, causing him to move inwards more. His arm was thrown around grills shoulder, making him noticeably fluster as they spotted a small cafe a street down. These hours had grill in a hold, that was for sure. He enjoyed every last minute of chills friendship. He didn't want things to change. He couldn't let things change. He didn't want to lose him. 

But things were about to change.

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