
488 42 2

March 5, 2014
Denver, Colorado
11:59 a.m.

Robyn's POV

"So 'Nika', huh?" Onika asked, referring to the nickname I gave her earlier as she took a sip of lemonade. I couldn't lie, I grew a bit shy because it wasn't my intention to actually say it out loud. "Don't start." I simply replied, earning a laugh from the woman sitting across from me. "Whaaaat? It's cute." She argued.

   I grinned as something suddenly came to mind. "I guess. You know what's really cute though?" I questioned, causing Onika's eyebrows to scrunch up in confusion. "What?" She interrogated, eying me up and down as if she thought I was about to say some corny shit. She was wrong.

"Hearing you moan my name last night." I bluntly stated. The eye contact we once shared was broken and Onika became completely silent. The sun glowed directly on her face, allowing me to see the tint of red on her cheeks. I chuckled to myself, smiling at the woman. On the other hand, she looked like she wanted to bury herself in the deepest hole possible.

"I didn't mean t—" She began moments after letting the music in the background take up the silence. I raised my hand, quickly stopping her. "It's okay, I'm not mad about it." I assured. She remained froze like a deer in headlights for a couple seconds before talking again. "How did you..." She started to ask and I immediately knew what she was asking. "I went to go get some water and on my way back to the room I heard you. It was loud but very sexy." I teased as she smacked her teeth.

   "I'm really sorry, I get out of control when I'm crossfaded. Reasons why I don't do it much." She admitted, dropping her head in her hands. "That's so embarrassing, I can't even look at you right now." I laughed again at how disappointed she was. "It's okay. You know I've had eyes on you since we met, Onika. If anything, I'm honored.... seriously." I reassured.

   She looked like she wanted to smack my arm for saying that. "Shut up. That will never happen again." She stated, smacking her teeth a second time when she saw the expression on my face. I didn't believe her but I wasn't going to say it. "I'm for real, Robyn. Stop looking at me like that." She said. We kept eye contact until Onika folded, playfully rolling her eyes and looking away.

   "Anyways, how's work coming along?" She asked while going back to her lunch. That's when I remembered the call I received before our session. "Well... while I was getting ready earlier, I got a call from an art museum in Paris. They want to feature some of my work for their Spring show." With everything going on, I couldn't be too excited about it. I was indeed thankful though.

   Onika's face lit up. "Goodness, Robyn. Congratulations! I should've known this already." She joked, popping a fry in her mouth. I didn't want her to think I was trying to keep a secret because I actually wanted her to come along. As nervous as I was to pop the question, I had to do it now. "I know, I know." I chuckled, slightly preparing myself. "I was wondering if you... wanted to come with me. The exhibit is three days starting on the first of April but I'll be there for a week."

   To my surprise, her answer was not what I thought it would've been. "If you're being serious then yes, I'd love to come... are you kidding? Paris is one of my favorite spots." She admitted. Failing to conceal my smile, I sighed in relief. "Then it's settled. We'll be going to Paris next month." I said. I knew I'd be cheesing if I made any contact with Nika after that, so I looked around the restaurant. When my eyes landed on the glass double doors, I could've fell through the floor.

   It felt as if the universe was playing with me because there was no way Lauren decided to come to the same restaurant Onika and I happened to be at

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   It felt as if the universe was playing with me because there was no way Lauren decided to come to the same restaurant Onika and I happened to be at. It's like she knew I was already here because the minute she walked in we made eye contact. The grin on Lauren's face said it all. "Well, well, well... look what we have here." Lauren smiled as she approached our table.

All I could do was look down at the plate of food that I knew I'd no longer be able to stomach. Seeing Lauren completely diminished my appetite. "Wow... Lauren. Didn't expect to see you here." I could hear Onika say, making me a bit nervous. I didn't want anything to happen in this restaurant. "How about we go..." I started until Lauren shut down the idea with a quickness.

"No, no. Stay." Lauren insisted with a smile I knew was far from genuine. "I saw your location and decided to stop by. Why haven't you been answering my calls, Robyn? Is it because of her?" She asked, pointing to Onika who quietly began to chuckle. It wasn't in a funny way, it was in a "get me out of here before I beat this bitch up" kind of way. I knew I had to do something.

"Look... we can talk later, Onika and I have to go." I stated, attempting to flag down any waitress for the check. I don't know why I did that because Lauren wasn't having it. "Aht. Put it down." She demanded, referring to my hand. Me being who I am when it comes to Lauren, nodded and lowered my hand. "Now answer my question. Why haven't you been answering my calls?"

I looked over at Onika who was staring right at me, urging me to say what I truly wanted to say instead of sugarcoating for Lauren. I could tell she didn't like how Lauren spoke to me and wanted to say something, but before anything she wanted me to stand up for myself. "Look at me and tell me, Robyn." Lauren continued. The moment she was about to grab my face, I lightly smacked her hand away.

The look of shock on her face could've made me laugh if I wasn't so irritated. I was tired of her walking all over me and I was going to prove that to Onika. "The truth is..." I took a deep breath in after saying those three words before continuing, "...I want a divorce." I stated, earning a grin from Onika.

was on a little hiatus because the fall semester + my job has been tag teaming me, but i'm back. thanksgiving break >>>

- fentyethics.

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