Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was rather surprized when I noticed a limo waiting outside the work building when I finished, I ignored it at first and started to walk down the street, but as I did various voices started calling the name Hannah, I kept walking until I clicked; I was Hannah. I stopped and turned around slowly waving when I saw Louis and Niall hanging out the window with their sunglasses pushed up their noses waving like hyper maniacs.

I smiled and walked back towards the limo, I was surprized they actually turned up to meet me because I know what they’re like, or at least one of them. “Hey guys” I said stood outside looking in, Liam was texting but waved up at me and Harry and Zayn were tackling in each other in a tiny bit of space, “Come and hop in our love nest chum” Louis exclaimed, I chuckled and rolled my eyes opening the door to the rather fancy looking black limo. If they wanted to try and keep it on a low they weren’t doing a very good job with their choice of transport.

“Hey Hannah” Zayn said when he had a free moment, I made eye contact with Harry and he huskily said ‘hey’ as well. It annoyed me that he had such an attractive voice, why couldn’t it be squeaky and high like a chipmunk?! I said hello back and turned to the other three boys, Liam had now finished on his phone so he turned to speak to me, “how was the rest of your day at work?” he asked politely, “oh you know, bit boring” it had been as well, all I’d been doing was writing their interview up before giving it to Mark, he was going to look at it tonight and let me know if it was okay on Thursday since I got Wednesdays off.

“Nando’s, Nando’s, I love you, my Nando’s, you’re always a car journey away” Niall sang under his breath to the tune from Annie, I laughed and looked at Harry giving him a questioning glance, he just shook his head and rolled his eyes letting me know it wasn’t anything unusual. It was a bit risky turning to Harry, but I thought it would be a bit weird if I interacted with everyone else but him, he would be less likely to suspect I was actually Sophie if I treated him without wanting to shave off his precious curls. Damn curly!

Since it wasn’t the weekend you could book a table ahead, so when we arrived discreetly through the back- entrance of Nando’s (as you do) we were ushered to a private table in a room off the main floor. The table sat six so we all fit there perfectly, though unfortunately for me I was squeezed between Harry (and fortunately) Liam too. The others sat around us, Niall directly opposite which would mean I would be able to see exactly just how much food he could cram into his mouth.

“What do you all want?” I asked pulling out a notebook and pen from my bag (perks of being a journalist; you always had pen and paper on you) they gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes elaborating on what I was saying. “Well since I’m not globally famous I’ll go and order all your food, and drinks. I’m sure it’s going to be a long list so I’m armed with a pen and a piece of paper” they all chuckled, I could see Harry facing me in the corner of my eye but I didn’t look properly not wanting to see those amazing dimples.

It took a whole ten minutes for them all to decide what they wanted, it was either a half chicken, a whole chicken, a chicken burger, peri-peri chips, normal chips, hot sauce, medium sauce, or even lemon and herb sauce. Since there were so many possibilities I was sat pointing the pen at the page for a while. Just when I thought I was done they reminded me of the drinks, that was pretty easy though since you could just ask for any kind of pop and get a re-fill, though I wasn’t so sure Louis needed it since he was hyper enough already.

Zayn handed me a credit card and told me the pin, willing me to pay for everyone’s including mine. I was unsure at first but they all insisted so I gratefully took it along with my notepad of orders. The queue to order didn’t last long so soon enough I was giving the table number before listing everything I’d written down; I think the lady behind the counter thought I was being a pig, but what could I do?

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