Zoro x Reader - First Time Meeting (unedited)

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"I'm so fuckin' nervous, Nami."

"Babe, you look fine. You're overreacting! That idiot is definitely gonna love what he sees, [Name]."

"What if he thinks i'm ugly? I'd be so embarrassed."

"Girl, I doubt he would. You're gorgeous. Plus i'd beat his ass, simple."

Currently, you were in the bathroom attempting to catch your breath which resulted in failure, because your nerves were getting the best of you. You were at the hugely prominent party that one of your friends had decided to throw on a Friday night. Well, wasn't exactly randomly thrown. Precisely, you attended this party to meet a certain someone for the first time, face to face.

You already met the rest of the crew twenty minutes after you arrived, excluding Nami since she's a long-time friend of yours.

What's funny is, you had met her crew through an online game. She had asked you to come and join their lobby while they played a session because they were missing a member, and needed an extra person to start their game. Over the months, she introduced you to them after adding you to their group chat. As soon as you told Luffy that your favorite food was meat, he automatically made you a member of their friend group.

At first you were too nervous to talk into the mic so you would be muted, but once you got comfortable, you spoke with them almost everyday. At times Sanji would flirt with you and ask you to send selfies of yourself so that he can shower you with compliments, describing how your voice sounded 'angelic' over the mic.

However, you never showed them your appearance because you were insecure and didn't want to be judged. You also wanted to meet them in person because you felt like you looked better in person. Nami respected your wishes and told you to only show them when you're comfortable.

You knew what most of them looked like, except a few, which included Roronoa Zoro. At first, you and Zoro didn't really interact much. It seems as though he was weary of you, or he just had trust issues. It was understandable, but you saw it as a challenge. You started pestering him in the group chat, always teasing him, which led him to directly message you for the first time.

It started out as him bluntly stating that you were very annoying, which honestly kind of hurt your feelings at first, but you would always rebuttal. You both had started arguing, throwing playful insults at each other which ultimately led him to calling you. You were astounded by it, asking him why he even dialed to call you. His statement was even more baffling,

"I just wanna hear your voice."

That text alone had your heart jumping, as butterflies fluttered inside your chest. Honestly, you didn't want to pick up. In your defense, you felt  jittery because his voice was undeniably attractive. It was deep, and gruff which would always have you tingling inside whenever he did speak into the mic on the game. It was just so... sexy.

Ultimately, you did decide to pick up, and let out a soft 'Hi?'. He chuckled, making your heart beat gradually quicken. It's as if he sensed your uneasiness, and proceeded to tease you on your shyness. 

"You talk all that shit in text, but sound so innocent once you're on the phone."

"Shut yo' ass up."

"You ain't bold enough to say it in person."

Ever since then, it was like a sacred routine for the both of you to have playful arguments in direct messages and occasionally, on the phone over the months. You still get anxious whenever you hear his voice because, you still aren't used to it. You just knew that he must've been an attractive person. Eventually, you did see his appearance, and lord have mercy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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