Fandomland Chapter 6

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Fandomland Chapter 6

Nicole was beginning to wonder how much more disbelief she could suspend. What was Kyle supposed to mean by fandoms? As if they were the collection of Fandoms as people? At this point, she wasn't sure if she could still believe it. But then again, maybe Kyle was being truthful. He wouldn't have that much reason to lie, would he? Then Nicole was swarmed as the fandoms all surrounded her. "Alright so anyway" Kyle says as he starts. "These are the fandoms. They are the representation of the collective thought brought on by fandoms put into the forms of human. We got some here. So, who's here? OK, we got Homestuck, Hetalia, Undertale, My Little Pony, Sonic and ... wait I can't see, who else is there?" "Steven Universe." Nicole hears a voice call out. "Steven Universe! All right." Nicole sat down and tried to figure what to do first. "Well, OK, I have several questions and so first off is ..." "Yes I do have Super Speed as well, I can show you!" Sonic immediately blurts out an answer and goes and rushes off. Before Nicole can fully process Sonic came back holding two chili dogs in hand. "Well that answers the question." Nicole asks. "Want one?" "Uh, OK." Nicole says as she grabs it. "Alright guys, I gotta go for a bit, keep Nicole entertained while I'm gone." Nicole stares for a bit.

"Well, I mean I am quite familiar with all of your works so I have some questions. First off uh, how many languages can Hetalia speak?" "ヘタリアには何人のキャラクターがいるのかわかりません?" "Uh huh?" Nicole asked unsure what he was saying. "It's Japanese." Undertale speaks up and replies. "Oh." Nicole replies. Despite being an anime fan, she did not speak Japanese. "So uhh I guess he can speak a lot of languages." Nicole concludes. "Si!" Nicole and sits back a bit, still trying to adjust to this whole sense of confusion she was feeling. "Alright so, I'll be honest, I'm good with conversations." "Oh, well, why not?" Hetalia asks, as the others all perk at Nicole. As they all look at her, she then begins to wonder herself. "Look I mean, I've been quite reserved for a good part of my life, I'm questioning a lot, and I just worry a lot over my interests especially considering I'm to a lot of ... geeky ... media, ... hey wait a minute! Your fandoms!!" "You just now realized it?" Homestuck asked. "You guys would be all over the sort of stuff I like. In fact, I got so much to show you!" Nicole reaches into her pocket and grabs a phone out. She scrolls through the photos until she found the one, she was looking for. "Ah, here we go!" She says as she shows a photo. It's a cosplay of Terezi and they all are impressed by it. "You made this?" Homestuck asked. "Well, I had a little help from my grandmother. And before you ask, the glasses are see-through. I couldn't handle being blind for real." Nicole replies, reminiscing over the cosplay. "Well, I mean I can understand that but, this is great!" "Really, you think so?" Nicole asks. "Yeah, you clearly put a lot of work into this, and you have the face to match, guys, what do you think?" The other fandoms all surround the phone to take a good look. "Wow this is great." "Looks just like her." "Good job." "Nice work." "I can't believe you like it." "Of course, we do." Nicole sits down and takes the time to process what was happening. "You know, I really appreciate you guys, I know we just met, but you're being nice and .." "Hey Nicole! How you guys doing?" "Uh, good I think." "Hmm what's that? Ooohhh nice, anyway, I have more to show you, so, sorry guys, want to come with us?" "Eh sure OK." Homestuck says as the fandoms all reply a little differently but basically give the same answer. "OK, so we have a lot of stuff for you to look at. So, let's go." Paul went and grabbed Nicole off the couch as he carried her across the various halls, as they found their way to the exit. Nicole goes and watches and the doors are opened and she is placed down.

On the edge of the road, she saw what looked to be an old-fashioned carriage straight from an old Disney movie. It got white horses, jewels and everything. It was honestly beautiful. "That look nice and fancy?" Kyle asked. "Well, I mean I do like the design and all but ..." "Too bad, this isn't our actual transport, Will!!" Nicole was trying to process it all, and before she could make a response, the curtain from the which the carriage was actually a part of gets pulled down revealing it its place, a Shelby Cobra 427 with the old school Blue and White Stripes. "What do you think?" Kyle asks. "Umm, what is that?" "It's a Shelby! Made by Old Man Carrol himself! I got it from an old friend who lives in the west coast." "OK," Nicole said without much knowledge who Carrol Shelby is, shame too, because honestly, he is one of the best car designers of all, wait sorry I got distracted, back to the story.

Anyway, Nicole got a chance to admire the design of the car before the door is opened. Kyle goes and sits in the drivers' side while Nicole goes and sits on the right. The two of them buckle their seatbelts as Kyle sets the car up. As he does so, Nicole sees the fandoms from earlier all getting into cars themselves, as well as Kyle's friends all going behind them. "Uh Kyle?" "Yes Nicole?" "What is everyone else doing?" "Oh, they're going to with us in the line of cars. Because of your arrival, we're going to debut you off across the town." "Wait, what?!?!" "Oh yeah, it's all out." "Wait Kyle, I don't know about this. I mean appreciate the gesture an all, but I don't really think I want ..." "Too late, I already put too much effort into this. March!!!" As Kyle talks Nicole watches as the vehicles in front begin to move, her doors lock, and Kyle begins driving.

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