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          Wet,cold and loud the only description I could create of my unfamiliar surroundings. My face formed a line in irritation as I tried to recall why it was this way. Last I could remember my bedroom did not fit this criteria, it was quite, soft and comforting just as I always requested of the maids to keep it.
Was this some sick joke  pulled by the twins? No they are still in the capital assisting Eldest brother. Did they return early?
This all makes no sense. I punched what I thought was a wall next no to me in irritation instantly feeling regret brought from the new pain found in my right hand. Contemplating for a few minutes. I finally settled on exploring my new found environment.
As much as I longed for my soft comfortable bed it was not part of reality at the moment. I took a step forward grimacing as I felt the  sensation of a wet surface below my bare feet.
Oh how I'm going to make whoever's twisted joke this is life a living hell. After a few minutes of exploring and motivational words I could come to the confident conclusion I was in a alleyway of sorts.
Faint light sources could be seen coming from what I figured was candles on poles towards the entrance of the alleyway and pure darkness I did not hold courage to explore from the other end.
Deciding to go with the lighted option I slowly began to head  towards the comfortable looking entrance when all of a sudden a eardrum tearing scream could be heard from behind me. feeling my blood turn cold in fear my forward stroll turned into a forward sprint no way in hell was I staying around to figure out where that came from.
I was inches away from the safety of outside the entrance. When a white scarf wrapped around my torso pulling me sideways slamming me head first into a wall successfully garnering a concussion. Dazed I slumped to the floor.
Azawai pov
I was in the middle of my nightly patrol jumping rooftop to rooftop day dreaming about coffee when a sudden high pitched scream could be heard from the alleyway to my left. Wasting no time I spotted what I believed was the perpetrator making an escape slamming him into a nearby wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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