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Room 209 - Mrs.Misako's Homeroom Class

Lloyd’s P.O.V:

It was no coincidence that I was in my own mother's Homeroom class. Some of my friends were here too like Kai, Zane, Jay, Cole, Nya, Skylor, Vania and Akita. The only reason Skylor was my friend was because she was Kai’s girlfriend. Same with Vania, she was Cole's girlfriend. Kai proposed to Skylor last year. Like me, last year I broke up with Harumi, she was evil and bullied many people. That's when I met Akita and she was the most caring and comfortable person to talk to, I told her everything. 

"Listen up class! I will give you your schedules," my mother said.

I heard my name and I got up to take my schedule. When I came back to my seat I read my schedule.

Period 1: History-Mrs.Misako
Period 2: Math-Mr.Johnson 
Period 3: P.E.-Mr.Martinez
Period 4: English-Ms.Adam 
Period 5: Science-Ms.Saturn 

"Jay Walker."

Jay’s P.O.V:

I was called to get my schedule. I looked at it.

Period 1: Math-Mr.Johnson
Period 2: English-Ms.Adam
Period 3: P.E.-Mr.Martinez 
Period 4: History-Mrs.Misako 
Period 5: Science-Ms.Saturn 

I looked over at Lloyd’s schedule and saw that we only have P.E and Science together. Well I hope I have some classes with Nya. She is my girlfriend. I had a crush on her since third grade, then I finally proposed to her in 9th grade and she said yes. 

"Nya Smith."

Nya’s P.O.V:

I got up as my name was called and took my schedule. I quickly walked back over to my seat and looked at it.

Period 1: History-Mrs.Misako
Period 2: English-Ms.Adam 
Period 3: P.E.-Mr.Martinez 
Period 4: Math-Mr.Johnson
Period 5: Science-Ms.Saturn 

I couldn't wait to be in classes with my friends and my boyfriend Jay. I wonder what classes Skylor got, she is my best friend. Ever since Kai told me he had a crush on her in 7th grade I started getting close to her to help my brother. Then, he proposed to her in 10th grade and she said yes. 

"Skylor Chen."

Skylor's P.O.V:

I was looking at Nya's schedule when I heard my name being called. I got up and slid a hand on Kai’s desk just for fun and grabbed my schedule. I looked at it. I hope I have some classes with Nya and Kai. 

Period 1: English-Ms.Adam
Period 2: History-Mrs.Misako 
Period 3: P.E.-Mr.Martinez 
Period 4: Math-Mr.Johnson 
Period 5: Science-Ms.Saturn 

I had most of my classes with Nya and my other friends. I'm just waiting for Kai to get his schedule so I can check if we have classes together. 

"Kai Smith."

Kai's P.O.V:

I was called to get my schedule. I was close to the front so I just sat down and grabbed the paper from my teach. 

Period 1: English-Ms.Adam 
Period 2: Math-Mr.Johnson 
Period 3: P.E.-Mr.Martinez
Period 4: History-Mrs.Misako 
Period 5: Science-Ms.Saturn 

I was happy to have some classes with Skylor, Nya, and the rest. I just hope our other friends get the same classes as us. 

"Zane Julien."

Zane’s P.O.V 

I quickly got up from my seat and walked over to the teacher's desk. I carefully took the paper from her hands and thanked her. I sat back down looking at my agenda.

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