Chapter 1

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I slowly dropped the bags i had with me full of chocolates, sweets, toys, clothing and study materials by the gates as i sighted the kids running towards our direction. "Awwwwwwwn, these kids are adorable as always." Steve who is standing beside me said smiling as the kids approach us shouting our names with smiles and joy all over their faces. "Uncle Eric!!! Uncle Steve!" They kept shouting in delight. "Come here babies," I said, as we both opened our arms and gave them a big hug.
"I knew it's you guys that arrived since i heard noises all over the house." We heard a voice saying from afar. Its father, he walks towards us wearing a white gown with his face full of alluring smile. "Good afternoon father!" Steve greeted as we all stood up. "Good afternoon father!" I also greeted smiling back at him. "Good afternoon children, Bless you." He said, touching our heads. "How is school?" He asked looking at us. "School is fine as always father." We both replied. "And how are your family Steve, are you good?""Yes sir!" Steve replied with a smile. "My parents are on a business trip, that's why they couldn't make it with me, but they send their heart full greetings as usual." He added.
"Oh it's fine, we have received their enormous gifts already, and they have been taking care of the orphanage in their best ways." Father said smiling. "I am sure you boys are tired, go in and take a rest before the activities starts." He said as he walks back to his office.
We gradually picked up the gifts we brought to the children inside and shared it among them. They were really happy. This always happens when we came for break from school, the kids couldn't resist showing their happiness from seeing us, and maybe it’s because we are helpful and always takes care of them. "Aren't they all cute looking happy?" I asked Steve who was busy starring at them and admiring how playful they are. "They are truly cute Eric; sometimes I wonder why life has to be unfair to these little angels." Steve said. "It’s okay Steve, don't you think we are lucky that we found ourselves here, some orphans are out there struggling to live on their own." I said looking at him with a worried face. "And besides, only a few lucky ones like you get to meet their parents later or get adopted into respected and caring families." I added. Steve kept quiet for a while looking at me in agreement. "I know right!" Steve replied. "And i am sure; God will also bring you and these cute kids to your families sooner or later." He said looking at the sky. "Stop being dramatic, i am already an adult." I said pushing him a bit. He laughed a little, knowing he isn't being serious. "You are just 17, who knows what will happen in just a year?" He replied looking serious. "Well I don't think i need another family apart from this house, i live all my life here, this is the only home i knew, and if for any reason my family shows up, I don't think they will have a strong reason to back up their act." I said trying to get up from the seat. "Hold on young man, it’s your choice if you want to leave or stay here, all i know is that you must never leave me no matter what, we will rock this life together!" Steve said shaking his hips. "You have started again, all you think about is rocking life together, while you don't even have a single presentable partner, all you do is flirt." I said pushing him back to the seat as he stood up trying to start dancing. "Common Eric, it’s not like am not ready to settle down, i just didn't find the right person for me." He said with a worried voice. "How will you find one when you are totally confused?" I replied while eyeing him. He moved closer a bit putting his hands around my neck. "It’s not confusion babes, it's called PANSEXUAL, and we fall in love with the person not the gender." He said. "And trust me; with this cute face of mine, you will be surprised with the person i will go out with." Je added pointing at his face, trying to look cute. "Whatever, just stop trying hard to look hot, you can't beat me at that." I said flaunting my hands. He stood up and kneels in front of me, putting his hands on my laps. "Seriously Eric, you need to be more serious, i wonder why you are still confused about your sexuality, imagine how hot men and ladies are approaching you but you keep turning them down, if it were me, i would take that opportunity for sure." Steve said. I gave him a fake smile, pushing his hands away from my laps, i said, "Well am not you and you are not me." He stood up instantly and hissed. "Huh! What a waste of cuteness?" He said hissing. I laughed out loud. "Are you finally admitting am more handsome than you?" I asked laughing. He quickly frown his face. "Who, what, never, am not admitting." Steve protested. "Am just saying; you look somehow cute." He said taking his eyes away from my direction. Hahahahahaha, I laughed out loud again. "Imagine someone I am more handsome than, calling me -Somehow cute?" I said giving him a serious look. We all laughed at the statement.
Steve is really funny, he would never admit that am more handsome and brilliant than him, even though he isn't looking bad, he is also tall like me, fair with average eyes and black hair, unlike me. Am a bit dark, somehow like chocolate, with coiled hair and round wide eyes. Father will always tell me that he thinks am a mixed race, he would always said that one of my parents is a foreigner...
Oh, Pardon my manners, I am Eric, it’s obvious i am an orphan, i grew up and found myself in this Orphanage, it has been my home all my life. Not until now that am into the university and i had to move to the hostel for easy access to school, and am currently working as a chef in a small Cafe at the university. Cooking has always been my hobby right from the orphanage.
You might imagine why i didn't get adopted right? Well, almost all my mates from the orphanage were adopted. Father refused giving me out because he said he sighted something coming in my future, and besides, i wasn't brought to the orphanage, rather, he found me as a week old baby. I respected Father's decision and i also don't want to be adopted myself. He would always say that am his luck, am already used to him praising the day he picked me up from the doors of his house. He would always tell me that i gave him the purpose to continue living and working hard. Well, I think we are both lucks to each other.
This guy I have been talking with is Steve, my clumsy brother and friend. We grew up together in this orphanage. Some people will think we are biological brothers because of our looks. We somehow look alike in a way. Steve was adopted when we were 10 by a rich Family here in Cape Town and now we are in the same university....
Living in a non-homophobic country like South Africa can be sometimes confusing for young minds like me who are still trying to figure out their sexuality. I don't want to label myself as a pansexual like Steve because i felt it’s just an excuse to flirt around, but then i am not sure whether am a homosexual or heterosexual because i got moved by some guys and ladies sometimes. I kept on thinking about the whole sexuality stuff while lying on our spacious bed with my hands coiled behind my head.
"Do you think i am a bisexual?" I asked Steve who was lying beside me on the big bed. He looked surprised as he quickly sit up. The question hit him as a surprised because I have never talked about my sexuality to him even though he always nags me to be in a relationship. He adjusted himself moving closer a bit. "May be you are, i can't tell you what you are since it’s your feelings." He replied looking serious. Hmmmmmmmmm, i sighed and close my eyes for a while. "Let’s see what 18 will turn me into, i will keep on waiting." I said with my eyes closed as i rolled on the bed. Steve threw me a pillow on the head. "Good for you, Mr. Virgin of the year!" He said using his legs to kick me. "Why are you kicking me now?" I shouted throwing him the pillow back. He eyed me for a while. "Do you want me to give you an award? Who in their right senses reaches 18years as a virgin? A kick on the brain is what you need to wake up from that fairy dream. You need to explore boy!" Steve shouted in my ears. I quickly pushed him from my body. "Virginity is a pride Steve, know that." He laughed out seriously for a while. "Well, it’s a lack of opportunity to me." He replied still laughing. I eyed him and move to the edge of the bed. "Just let me be, i will handle my matter myself."  I said closing my eyes. Steve starred at me for a while and went back to sleep too...
I slowly opened my eyes staring at the big portrait picture hanged on the wall of my bedroom with lots of thoughts stroking my brain. "What if they couldn't accept me? What if they got disappointed?" I asked myself still looking at the portrait of myself and Diana! I closed my eyes thinking how this really gone this far. Diana is my childhood friend. We grew up together. Our families have been friends since when we were young and our parents are practically shipping us together. They practically want me to marry the girl. O always thought it was a joke when they kept saying it while we were growing, but these days, their obsession with marriage is getting unbearable. Especially my dad, he would always be talking about family, settling down and taking responsibility. Like who talks that to a 24years guy? It’s really absorb to me because am still in college. "Well, at least you have made it clear to her that you are not in love with her." A voice said in my mind as i closed my eyes.
"Adam! Adam!!" My mother called banging on the door. I kept mute knowing she will leave immediately. It has already becomes her habit, banging at the door whenever she wants to talk. I sat still on the bed waiting for her to leave the message. "Diana is here already, you don't want to miss the movie right?" She said as she walked away. I sighed and jump off the bed. I closed my eyes and walk to the mirror. "It’s okay Adam, you can do this, it’s just another day to pretend to be who you are not." I said to myself still looking in the mirror. I starred at my reflection for a While. "Aren't you tired of pretending?" Another voice asked from my heart which makes me full of guilt. I closed my eyes as i know I don't have the courage to stop pretending. That's the only choice i have for now. I walk to the toilet to take a shower and get ready for my forced date with Diana.
My name is Adam, a 4th year medical student. I know i am gay, but not openly. I am still in the closet because i am a coward. Yes, a coward. I don't have the courage to say it out even though South Africa is not a homophobic country, but i feel my family won't accept it. They have high hopes on me and i don't want to break them. Things would have been easier if i am not gay, i wouldn't have to be forced with Dina, but it's complicated now. I don't even know how to start opening up to my father who always talks about starting a family or my mother who spend almost half of everyday imagining and planning my wedding. May be in the future when i found the love i have been groveling for, it might make me courageous. But for now, i prefer being a normal guy in the corner; i really don't want to be noticed by people. That's the reason i don't have friends apart from Diana, even at school. Diana has been my best and only friend, maybe that's why our families keeps on shipping on together and arranging blind dates for us.
I got dressed in a casual outfit, it’s not a date to me anyways, and it’s just a casual outing with a friend.
"Good morning Adam!" Diana greeted with a revealing smile on her face as i walk down the stairs holding my car keys. "Good morning Dee, i hope i haven't kept you waiting?" I asked with a smile, knowing fully i wasted enough time to make someone leave angrily. "Not really, i have been enjoying my chit chat here with Mom." She said smiling and looking at mom. Mom was also smiling; i knew they were talking about anything related to marriage. How can someone be so obsessed with marriage? Sometimes, i feel my parents are tired of me and trying so hard to get me out.
"Oh, Yes darling, we have been viewing these wonderful weddings magazines from the weekend, they are so beautiful, i really can’t wait to prepare your wedding" Mom said smiling and taking a glance at the magazines again. "Oh mom, there you go with your marriage obsession again, we are still young please." I said heading out of the sitting room. I paused for a bit as i reached the dice. I turned and look at Diana who was also carried away by the magazines. "Let's go Dee before mom makes us miss the movie." I said and headed to the car. Diana quickly stood up and followed me. "Okay, bye mom!" She waved at mom and followed me to the car. Mom also followed us to the door quickly. "You are 24 already Adam, it’s not too early." Mom shouted waving at us as i start the car and head out...
I sat in the car holding the steering and waiting for Diana to join so we can take off. She slowly opened the door and hop in. I was about starting the car when i heard her voice talking. "Don't you think we should let our parents know that we aren't dating? I am getting tired of this Adam." Diana said facing me while i was holding the key. I was a bit shocked for a moment. Even though i know we are clear between us, i never expected Diana to get tired of faking the relationship anytime sooner. It dawned on me that it's really stressing to be hoping for what will never arrive. I sighed and look at her. "You know i am currently not seeing anyone Diana, i can't possibly tell them if i have no one to present to them." I said looking worried. "You know how my parents are so obsessed with this whole marriage thing." I added trying to convince her to spare me more time. She looked away as i kept on starring at her. "This is getting late Adam. I am soon going to be a final year student in school by next year, i want to get married immediately after school, and yet i don't have a boyfriend, all my admirers are thinking that we are a couple, i am tired of pretending Adam!" Diana lamented. I quite know that she is right. I can’t possibly keep holding her down when i have nothing to offer, it's clearly unfair. "We need to end this or give it a proper label Adam!". She added facing the window. I sighed and adjusted myself, facing her. "I will try Diana, you just have to help me through this, and you are my only hope." I said looking at her. She slowly turned back facing me, Hmmmmmmmm, she sighed and hold my hands. "I think i have a solution!" She said smiling and looking in to my eyes. I was numb for a while thinking about what her solution might be, i don’t want to be in any situation where i will have to offer my heart unwillingly. So i coughed a bit and adjusted myself. "What solution do you have?" I asked eagerly. She smiled and moves closer to me, holding my hand tighter. "It's a dare Adam!" She said. I felt relieved for a while, at least its jot involving another complex situation. I gave her an unsure look. "A dare, what dare?” I asked surprisingly. She shook her head in agreement, confirming her statement. "I will dare you Adam. I dare you to find a lover before the end of next year, if not, we will end up together." She said looking at me. I opened my eyes wide looking at her and she shook her head trying to reassure her statement. I felt spines all over my body because that was damn hard than I was expecting. I couldn't say a word because i am shocked at how she brings up a plan to put me in trouble. I was still thinking what to do when i heard her voice again. "Are you in or we split it out to our families?" She asked. I was out of an answer and confused at the same time. This is what it means to be on a hot seat. I was already sweating hard. This is not just a dare for me but a threat. How can i find a lover when i clearly know that am not in to ladies. "I wish Diana will understand that i love men instead." I said to myself as i keep on starring at her. "Are you in Adam?" She asked again. I don't want to drag matters with her so i have to accept her challenge for now, at least she won't tell anyone and a year will be enough to figure out what i want to do. "Yes, yes. I am in." I said looking at her with a worried face. She stretched her hands for a shake, "Deal?" She asked. I offered my hands to the shake, "Deal!" I said still looking worried. She released my hands after a while. "Okay then, we will talk about this same time next year!" She said. I slowly drove the car and we head to the cinema!
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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