The Beginning

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My life was falling apart. Tomorrow is the reaping. What if I get selected? I knew that I had just enough time to run for the forest. My house is right next to the fence. But I can't leave Gale. We're in love after all. Right? That's what I told myself. I tried to make myself believe it. I really did but something inside of me told me I was wrong. Every time I would walk past the bakery I wanted to see Peeta standing in the window it was so confusing how I could feel that way about two people. I guess deep down inside I only loved one. I just didn't want to face the music. I barely know Peeta but there's no way a girl like me can I have a guy like Gale. We don't mix. We aren't meant to be lovers. We're meant to be friends.

The Next Day:

I woke up terrified. My name was in the reaping bowl 17 times. I wasn't worried about me getting selected it was Peeta I was worried about. I know that I should be worried for Gale but I wasn't. It was very unlikely that he was going to be selected this was his last year. I fought wanting to run. I put my blue dress on and walked to the center of District 12. They pricked my finger which didn't hurt anymore because my finger was numb from the years before. I stood as I waited for Effie. She said the same thing she does every year and played the same video. Once it was over she said "Lady's first! Primrose Everdeen!" Before I could think I screamed. "I volunteer!"

Chapter 2:

My voice sounded so horse. I didn't even know Prim. I only saw her when we passed in the streets. Her sister, Katniss, looked at me with shock plastered on her face. "Why would you do that?" "She's too young to go. She has so much life to live." Our conversation was cut off by Effie calling me up. I walked toward her, not knowing what I had gotten myself into. She said Gentleman next. She reached in the bowl and pulled a name. Who would it be? "Peeta Mellark!" No one volunteered for him. He slowly walked up to the stage. He looked at the stairs before going up. I looked down to the people. I saw Gale. He moved his lips as to say. "Kill him if you have to." I couldn't. If it came down to it I would let him kill me. My thoughts were cut off by Effie's voice. "Shake hands!" We did. Before I knew it I was on the train. I thought you got to say goodbye to your friends and family.

I ran to my room without looking at anyone or anything. I heard stories about the games. My dad died in games. I wasn't hungry so I got in the shower. Immediately after I got out I fell asleep. By the time I woke up we were almost in the capital. I put on the first thing I saw and walked down the hallway. For some reason it felt a million miles long. I saw Peeta, He wasn't alone. Haymitch was sitting across from him. The stench of alcohol came off of him. It made me nauseous. No smell had ever made me feel sick like this one. It was as if Peeta could tell. He started a conversation so I did not vomit. "So, do you have any advice?" "Stay alive." He said it so easily. It made me mad. Tell me Haymitch, how do we say alive?!? I grabbed the butter knife out of Peeta's hand and went to stab Haymitch's hand as he reached for the liquor but Peeta grabbed my hand. "Someone woke up with an attitude." That comment from him sent me all the way over the edge. I knew I had to walk away before I hurt someone. On my way out of the room I stopped looking out the window. It was the capital. It was bigger than I expected.

Once the train stopped I debated making a run for it. It wasn't worth it, I would make it a couple blocks at most and once I was captured they would put me in solitary confinement.

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