Exciting or No?

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Hello all!!

I am actively working on the completion of Ashes to Ashes and until then I may have something some of you will be excited about.

I have created a Pinterest and created a board for each book/series. My personal Pinterest has well over a few thousand pins and I am working on moving them over to the one I just created.

Here you will be able to see inspirations for places, outfits, names, characters, etc.

Now I have two options for you:

1. I can link my Pinterest to you now while I work on moving the pins


2. I can wait until all of them are moved before I link it to you all so you'll have mostly completed boards

Let me know which you'd prefer and I will do that.

Love you all!!



I went ahead and put the link in my bio!!

Miscellaneous: A/N's, Voting, etc. Where stories live. Discover now