chapter 1

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The lost boy layed on the cold floor, his eye bags couldn't be missed. The red tint of his face from the constant crying he did at night, the stress from all the harassment he's had to deal with from his boss leaving its own trace on him aswell. Jungkook was completely gone in his head, since the day he made that call to X and heard him threatening the life of his beloved parents Jungkook couldn't even eat or sleep properly.

He was finally starting to feel the way he used to the kind of happiness and comfort and safety he used to feel was finally coming back to him and making him feel complete. He finally processed that he had the woman that he loved and who loved him the most again in his life. He finally thought everything could fall into place....

But dear God was he wrong....he completely regretted calling X that night and saying he forfeited the mission. If only he'd been good and stayed put of contact with that newly revealed devil he worked for maybe everything could've been fine. Day in and day out Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about his parents who he loved so much who'd been there with him through everything in his life. He couldn't stand the thought of being the reason they'd have to leave the world.

It stressed him out always caused him to have silent panic attacks when no one was around and he could freely get lost in his mind. He was trapped he couldn't think of what to do to ensure his families safety he didn't know what to do to help spare the life...of the woman he loved. In the past two weeks Jungkook had become distant with y/n, he even demanded his own room to which he did get with a big struggle y/n being as stubborn as she is ofcourse.

He hardly talked he hardly came out and even if he did he never spared a glance at her not once and it was sending both of them up a wall. Y/N knew very well something was wrong but each time she'd tried to get Jungkook to speak with her he'd throw a fit and start crying and yelling at her to get out of his face so she had no choice but to leave with a heavy heart and clouded mind.

Today aswell was one of those days. During the morning y/n came into jungkooks room getting in bed with him she pulled him to her chest out of instinct he instantly snuggled into her like two puzzle pieces meant to be together he just fir in with her perfectly. But the peace and happiness didn't last long. Jungkook soon started waking up as he did seeing y/n he immediately sat up and glared at her which stabbed her right in the heart seeing how he didn't want her around.

"Get out". He snarled at her making her frown again and stand. "Sweetheart whats going on with u, what have I done wrong to make u get this distant with me"? Jungkook started throwing his pillows. "GO, GO, GO, JUST LEAVE". He screamed at the top of his voice making y/n immediately leave the room.

Now it was almost night time and jungkook still hadn't left his room or spoke to y/n. The maids brought him food and directly left. He felt lonely stressed unsafe and hurt. He knew the hurt y/n must've felt from his behavior was far worse but even he was hurt by having to act the way he did. He was close to his breaking point and he didn't know what to do next. He needed her comfort he wanted her comfort he wanted to be in her arms but he couldn't bring himself to be allowed that kind of luxury through the things he's dealing with.

He put himself at fault for his parents lives being threatened and he didn't want anything good for himself because of that. But he needed it....

A loud ringing echoed through the walls of his room. Tears immediately came to his eyes knowing who it was. Standing up on his now weak legs jungkook answered. "H-hello"? "Ahhh, my golden boy, I didn't think u would answer". The sarcastic voice on the other line spoke. "W-what is it now, can't u just leave me alone". "Uh uh uh, time is running kiddo, better get your act together, remember what I said, u fail to kill Lee ill happily kill your beloved parents, okay? Alright, I'll be off now, good day".

X hung up leaving jungkook crying to himself. That was it for him he was done. He couldn't take it, dropping the phone he ran out of his room through the halls of the mansion ignoring all the maids and guards that stared at his messy figure. Not even knocking he barged into y/n's office to find her sitting behind her desk working on her laptop. She jumped at the sudden sound of the door looking up with her cold face she stared at the person at the door only for her eyes to soften.

As her eyes feel on jungkooks weak crying face she frowned. "'re here? Why are u crying my love-". She couldn't continue when jungkook ran to her like a child and crawled onto her lap hugging around her neck with his legs on both sides of hers on the office chair he cried on shoulder. Y/N quickly hugged him back stocking his hair and back and whispering sweet words to him. "Okay little one, it's okay, talk to me please, sweetheart, you've been so distant whats wrong"? Jungkook shook his head. "P-please do-n't make me s-say it".

Now it was confirmed in her mind something was wrong and if he wouldn't tell her she'll just have to figure it out herself. "Okay honey, calm down, I'm here, relax you're okay". For the rest of the night the two cuddled on y/n's couch jungkook just layed there playing with y/n's fingers staring into space taking in her warmth and comfort and smooth deep voice as she hummed for him. "I'm glad u finally came to me angel, I've missed u like crazy". She planted a sweet kiss on his temple and soon his lips.

Edit: Credits to this chapter also goes to kookiealiengurl

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