In my world, terror and misery reign supreme. For most people anyway. This land is called Terainia.
There are humans, simple beings from your first look, but quite intelligent. There are animals and birds, of every colour, size and shape.
Then the youkai.
Evolved from the offspring of animals and humans, they keep to themselves most of the time, with the exception of human-eating youkai. Youkai look almost human, except they have significant touches of the animal that was their ancestor. You can tell when someone is a youkai.
1. Males are handsome, females are beautiful.
2. For example, fox youkai have fox ears, tail and slanted eyes. Easy to tell they are youkai I say once more.
3. They are powerful. Very powerful.
My name is Ashiato. I am half a wolf youkai. Yes, half. My mother was human, and like all humans in this world, died a small, insignificant death when I was born. My father died too, in a battle of some sorts. I look like a wolf youkai, wolf ears, eyes and tail with long nails. But the stench of human must overpower me, as youkai know even without getting to know me that I am part human. Not that they even bother yo get to know me.
Among the youkai, humans are meager beings, mortal and weak. Animals and birds are treasured, and respected. Whenever a youkai and human have a child, the child is always shunned from society and dies a lonely death.
The youkai are always grumpy that animals still allow me to dawdle amongst them, and often shoo me away whenever I approach a bird to feed it, or observe fawns with their mothers.
Wolf youkai are known to have the strongest friendships, ties that are never broken. They are known to be loyal, and to stand by their comrades through everything. They are brave.
The wolf youkai have one saying, one motto, one wording alone. To accept your "brothers" and "sisters" no matter who they are, and what they may have done wrong. No matter how brave, weak, no matter their personality. But this rule does not apply to me.
From what I know, I am the first wolf youkai "half breed" to ever be born. Wolf youkai live in packs, and meet up time to time. I was never accepted in any of these packs, not even my fathers pack of his ancestors.
I once asked the wolf youkai leaders of the different packs whilst they were together;
"Don't you always say to accept your "brothers" and "sisters"? No matter who they are?"
They all laughed heartily, cruelty hidden in their snorts.
"True we say that Ashiato, but our ancestors never said anything about accepting half brother low life's like you!" Sneered Sakebi, the leader of my fathers pack.
It saddens me, to think that half of who I am is represented by youkai who have turned from accepting people even for being "half breed low life's". Now, if you are a youkai, wolf or not, you are in good hands with the wolf youkai.
And I was convicted of the crime of having a human mother, for being born.
This is The Way of the Wolf.
Way of the Wolf
FantasyMy name is Ashiato. I am half a wolf youkai. I was convicted of the crime of having a human mother, for being born. This is the Way of the Wolf.