she's art in his eyes

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Right then Paris walked in, her facial expressions mad and she plopped herself into her seat behind Eloise. "Here.", Paris threw the note to her desk. Eloise began to open it and read a few things about this Gilmore girl. She folded back up the paper and threw it out, nodding a thank you to Paris.

"She's from Stars Hallow."  she thought. 

Tristan crouched beside Eloise's desk and looked at her eyes, staring intently to get a reaction out of her like he always did. 

Eloise looked at him, their faces only inches away. "Did anyone let you into their pants yet?" she asked, sounding cold and judgmental, almost jealous-like. "What does it matter to you?" he asks, with a smirk starting to tug at his perfect pink lips. She looked down, her face offended, and her voice defensive, "It doesn't at all, I just thought you looked happier than usual."

He looked at her, his eyes flickering to her lips which were now in a line, meaning she was annoyed. Eloise always did that when she was annoyed, and Tristan knew that too well, considering every time he mentioned a girl, she'd get all annoyed at him.

"Eloise, be free after school." Tristan ordered as he got up from his crouched position and went to his desk. 

Eloise whipped her head towards him and said quite confidently, "You don't order me around, Dugray."

He got up from his desk, to close their further distance and said, "Please El, just be free. If not for anyone, at least do it for me." Eloise turned her head back towards the poorly erased chalkboards and said, "I'm gonna be in the courtyard,  if you are not there right after school, I'll leave." 

Tristan motioned his hands in triumph and said, "Thank you, Eloise. I gotta show you something when you're there." He leaned down to her, his face very close to the side of hers and gave her  cheek a small kiss. Eloise felt her cheeks get warm, and she covered he face with her hand to prevent anyone from seeing her face. 

Tristan went to sit back on his chair, and looked at Eloise. He loved the way she sat tall in her chair and fixed her notes, and how her curls always sat on her shoulders perfectly. He liked when she was happy, he even liked to see when she was annoyed. To Tristan, Eloise was like art, but not the abstract type of art you may have pictured. She was that one perfectly drawn and painted lady, with people all over the world wanting to be her, wanting to be painted and portrayed as she was in such styles and with the same brushes, but the thing is Eloise is original and nothing would ever be better than the original. Tristan tapped on Eloise's shoulder one more time just for the giggles of seeing her mad that he was interrupting her time to fix her notes and organize her thoughts. 

Eloise turned around this time much slower and her hands, now gripping at her chair. 

"What?", her eyebrows raised and her eyes fixed on his. Tristan let out a smirk and asked, "Do you have an extra pencil, I forgot mine." 

She nodded and dug through her bag, "You know, you never give my pencils back. How am I going to write, if I don't have any more pencils because you always forget one?" Tristan looked at her offended and said, "You make it sound like I steal pencils!" Eloise stopped what she was doing and got herself up to say, "You do steal pencils, but not just any pencils, my pencils! And I'm out of them anyway. Just take mine." She turns to her desk and gently grabs the pencil that was resting near her notes and hands it to him. 

"No, I'll find another pencil." he pushes the pencil towards her. 

"Dugray, just take it, I can write in pen." she says, re-extending it to him. Tristan hesitated to take it, "Give me the pen, I can write with the pen."

Eloise rolls her eyes and places the pencil on her desk and grabs the pen, placing it into his palm. "Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Irvine." Eloise turned back to her notes and responded with, "Believe me, the pleasure's all yours." The teacher scrambled into the classroom, and Paris turned to Eloise. 

"What are you doing with Tristan?" Paris asked with a weird look plastered across her face. 

"Last time I checked, you weren't really mentioned in the plans, so don't worry, it's nothing that involves you.", Eloise gave a sarcastic grin. 

Paris rolled her eyes and turned back in her seat, muttering things under her breath. 


Is this good so far? Lmk!!

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