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SHALANA JUST STOOD THERE with serayah and lani and also 4 normal girls and some groupies watching the boys record their music video
"hey" a voice said coming near shalana and lani making them turn around and see a girl
"hi?" shalana said
"hi im a big fan of you oh my gosh i love all ya fashion looks" the girl said with her newyork accent
"thank u" shalna said then smiled
"im jerainee" the girl said finally introducing herself
"hi jerainee" lani said as she drank out the little red cup in her hand
"so how y'all know my brothers?" jerainee asked
"oh well me and dd met in like sum blind date and I seen ddot was with him and I met edot and notti like today" shalana said
"yeah I see y'all always getting posted up on the Sugarhillhottakes page" jerainee chuckled
"don't even bring they asses up right now is like they haunting me" shalana said
"they be doing u so wrong but it's cool I got posted up on that page more then ten times" jerainee said
"no fucking way" lani chuckled
"yes im like the center of their page" jerainee chuckled
shalana laughed with the two girls as dd and notti and ddot came near them
"what y'all laughing at ?" dd said
"oh nun" jerainee said side eyeing him
"ight whatever" dd said as he smoked the blunt notti handed to him
shalana looked to her left and seen Serayah laughing with elijah making her eye them confused
"well we gotta go back to shooting my hearts" ddot said getting up from the stairs as dd and notti followed behind him
"mmm" jerainee mumbled
"ugh I hate these groupies bro" lani said
"bro wrda" jerainee said nodding her head
"literally" shalana said
"bitches can't even ask to hit your blunt or drink some of your henny like what" jerainee said
"right" lani said
while the girls were talking they stopped once these boys came near them
"yo jerainee" this guy said
"oh hell nah" jerainee mumbled
"u not tryna introduce us to yo friend?" The guy said
"there's nothing to introduce if she clearly don't want u" jerainee said
"uh" lani mumbled
"yo my heart I'm herbo" he said looking at both shalana and lani
"oh god.." jay mumbled
"what y'all name is tho?" Herbo said
"I'm lani and have a boyfriend." Lani said
"anyways I just wanted to say I be seeing ya famous ass on the internet" he's friend said looking at shalana
"that's cool" shalana said while nodding her head
surprisingly the boys walked away after they noticed the girls wasn't feeling them
until these two random girls came to them while they talked but paused once they noticed it was interrupted
"so why were u hoes talking to my boyfriend?" One of the girls said
"Bro" jerainee said
"I know u hoes hear my friend" the other girl said
"Girl your nigga came up to us" Lani said
"and mind u he not even your boyfriend girl that's a rapper that barely knows yo ass bitch your a groupie" jerainee said
"girl calm down don't even trip he just came and told me he liked my ass on the internet" shalana said
"mmm bitch" one of them said
"yeah and your the bitch I was asking anyways bitch don't your weird ass be walking runways? Go do that before u try talking to a nigga that's already taken" the girl said
"girl didn't u hear me he came and said he liked me on the internet" shalana said getting up in the girl is face
Serayah came running towards the altercation after she heard her sister yelling
"girl stop raising your voice u dumb bitch" the girl said
"bitch your not gonna come up here disrespecting my sister" Serayah said
"bitch your delusional literally" shalana said
everyone in the area heard shalana even the boys dd and notti and ddot had to stop the music and shoot and ran over
"bitch I bet u wont hit me tho" the girl screamed
"oh bitch come on than" jerainee and lani screamed getting up from the stairs
ddot held back jerainee as lani got held back by this random ass guy and shalana was getting held back by dd and Serayah got held back by edot
"bitches want us to run up but can't even do that their selves" lani chuckled
"Bitch u wont be saying that when u get hit in the damn face" one of the girls screamed
shalana was just standing there with dd is hands wrapped around her waist while he stopped her
Until water got spilled on shalana and dd which made shalana gasp
"bitch your fighting with water?" shalana said
outta no where shalana seen lani and jerainee running towards the girls as they started all fighting shalana tried running but dd wouldn't let go until shalana pushed him back making him fall on the floor
and after that a brawl just started happening in the area
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