Limit Breaking AU

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Yajin - Hello, my name is Yajin Hidashi.

Daizo - My name is Lucas Daizo.

Kahn - And my name is Kahn Wagashi.

Together - We are the Saiyans in "My Hero Academia: The Destructive Limit Breaking Story"

Yajin - Now we're going to answer a few questions for you guys.

"Who takes longer to get ready for set?"

Yajin/Daizo - Kahn.

Kahn - No!

Yajin - I can say you because when we were had your first time as a Super Saiyan it need to get your eyes and the coloring of your body.

Kahn - But when you had to do the make up you also had a long time in the make up chair.

Daizo - I know I don't take long. I just have a jacket and contacts. That's it.

Yajin - I can agree that he's the first out of the three of us.

Kahn - Yeah.

"Who breaks character during a scene?"

Yajin/Kahn - Daizo.

Daizo - ...yeah. (Laughs)

Kahn - There is always a moment where we have to be serious he's behind the camera making faces or just doing stupid antics.

Yajin - There was a scene in the "Falling Hero"movie, where Daizo cried to me and it was emotional but he broke character and did a scene of a video. He said..."Kakarot...h-he..he didn't invite me to his birthday party!"

Daizo - (laughs)

Yajin - I wanted to laugh but I went along and I said "You monster Ragnarok!" (Laugh)

Kahn - So yeah, Daizo is the one who breaks character the most.

"Who would you pair your character with"

Yajin - In reality, I still say myself and Momo. We've been dating ever since we started the show and it has been going great. So I hope our character's relationship gets stronger.

Daizo - Me and Mei have been shipped a lot by a few cast members but I still say Melissa is a great choice but Daizo is more of a solo like guy so who know.

Kahn - I go with Ochaco. Someone who is hurt and someone who will save the hero in pain. Plus me and her have been dating for a month now so who knows.

"Are Yajin and Kahn actually twins?"

Yajin/Kahn - No.

Kahn - We look the same but it's by a few exceptions. I wear a wig but Yajin has that hair style.

Yajin - It takes a lot to do this. So yeah, but we do hang out so I consider him my brother. In reality it's Toya who is my biological brother.

"What is your best way to train?"

Yajin - I actually do a whole day of Jujitsu, Krav Maga, Boxing and Kick Boxing. It's usually one day rest then the next just training. But on weekends it's pure gym workouts.

Daizo - I actually just do Karate, Boxing and Taekwondo. But it's only twice a week. While the rest is pure gym. I do also have a Friday and Saturday rest.

Kahn - Just gym workouts. I do some fight sequences when they tell me since I have proved to have a really flexible body. But I just do some acrobatics.

"Is there someone who is not like their character?"

Yajin/Daizo/Kahn - Chisaki.

Yajin - He's just so kind and really respectful especially if we mess up a line then he assures your mentality. Always saying it's okay to mess up but to just keep going.

Kahn - His daughter Eri. She is the sweetest girl ever. We play with her every chance we get.

Daizo - I think I still have the picture of the tea party.

Yajin/Kahn - (laughs)

Yajin - That's all the question but don't miss the Gaia Tournament Arc.

Daizo - It's one of the best arcs we have ever worked on and the action and story is quite interesting.

Kahn - Plus we are getting closer to amazing fight sequences that were really hard to do but also really amazing.

Trio - Only on "The Destructive/Limit Breaking Hero."


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