R.I.P. Uncle Arturo/Reggie Groover

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It was a quiet day.

Yajin - Hey you okay man.

Shadow - ....

Goku (MCU) - Hey. I know it's hard. But you've done a lot for all of us. Maybe you should take a break. Your uncle would want that.

Goku (DC) - Fuuuuck.

Yajin - (DS) - What happened?

Goku (DC) - Slick Goku...passed away.

Shadow - (tearfully) w-w-what...no...no,no,no,no. Why...did we lose the slickest of Saiyans. I think we should tell them.

"Reggie Groover...we love you man. We will continue to make moves. And we will never forget the amazing laughs and roast you gave us. The God of Saiyans can rest and know that the Multiverse will be protected by all of us."

"Tio...te amo mucho, fuiste un mejor tio pero fuiste mas como un abuelo. Te quiero y nunca voy a olvidar lo que me has hecho para mi. Adios Arturo...que duermes en paz."

"Uncle...I love you so much. You were the best uncle no..you were like a grandfather to me. I will always love you and I will never forget what you have done for me. Goodbye Arturo...rest in peace." Thank you for pushing me on to start writing. I love you forever.

"In tribute to you both, we will play a few songs for you."

Thank you all for giving me so much love. We have lost so much this beginning of the year. But let's not let that ruin our goals..let's move forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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