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A few months has passed since the death of the most important member in my family, in my pack.
She was the heart of my pack, the one everyone could depend on. Now she is with the Moon goddess, where we will all be reunited in the end. Together again.

We arranged a ceremony to bury her, next to my mate's mother and father where they lay their heads to rest. It was the most beautiful ceremony I've ever seen...but the next ceremony that was going to be held soon, would be the moment the pack accepts me as their Luna, their Queen. Following up on that me and Jackson would have to perform our mating in completing the mate bond, simply by marking each other. My stomach turned on the thought of it. Not that I didn't want to, but I was all nervous, scared I might mess up something of some sort. - Don't beat yourself up over this May, we've done this more than I can count. How would this be any different? - Lumina asked me in reassurance. - Hopefully we don't have to perform in front of everyone, like other pack's, Lumina. Then I will definitely mess up everything! - I replied to her opinion.

It was time...

The music played ever so softly, pack members dressed in formal wear, the decor soft and comfortable. My mate stood at the other end of the long white carpet, where I would soon join him in matrimony. My hands started to sweat like crazy, I felt dizzy and out of breath. Light headed at the same time. Thinking to myself - Gosh, this is not a wedding, calm down May-. I closed my eyes counting as I took my first step towards my mate, only thinking of him, blocking out all the faces that turned to face me as I walked in through the doors. My dad awaited me from the inside of the hall. When we joined, he took my arm, lacing it in his and walked me over to my mate. He gave me away, gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear that mom would be so proud of me. Shedding a tear, I thanked him and turned to face the pastor. He let everyone take their seats so that the joining can begin.

The time passed furiously, and the pastor asked the two best men of my mate to come forth and be witnesses of our joining, to vouch for us aslwell. Brandon and Eugene had a lot to say when they gave their speeches.
After what felt like decades ago, we were joined. It was time to mate and mark each other. So that the whole pack can sync and come together as one, where all the pack member's thoughts and voices will soon run through my mind. Poor Lumina will be over taken by all of it. Though she did have one secret she kept from me.

I always thought, that her strength and size was far from a normal Beta. But I never questioned it. We come to an agreement that when the time is right we will share what we don't know of each other. She won't find out much of me cause every day, while raoming around in my mind she unlocks closed off doors. Upon doing that I feel all the painful memories crushing down on me, like a Boulder up on impact.

Afte I received the crown I had to declare my place, beside my mate, in front of the whole pack. "I, May Stone, crowned Queen of Christening Blue pack, mated to Jackson Parks, the Alpha King. Solemnly swear up on my life to protect our pack, never to let you in harms way for so Moon goddess help me I will lay down my life for you" . The whole room erupted in cheering voices and whistles, hooray and what not. Honestly my heart fell to my feet for a brief moment of silence before the pack clapped in union.

Me and Jackson made our way to our room after the after party. To take part in our own little swaray, I was feeling shy all of a sudden. I knew we've done it more than I can count by now but this felt so different, much more deeper, more intemet.
He only gave me smirks as his eyes glowed a hazzel gold. Indecating his wolf surfaced. I knew exactly what it meant.
I liked Lumina - Hey girl, you up for a little fun of cat and mouse? - she surfaced and took over control of my body.

-Ohhh it's on, like donkey long, brave yourself mate. You don't know what your up against! - I thought to myself. We reached our room, before he could open the door I pushed him against it, smashing my lips on his, hands trailing down to very well known places. He moaned through our heated kiss and struggled to open the door. So I helped him in stead.

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