Chapter 1

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I felt warm hands grab onto my forearms and grip tightly. My body started shaking and I opened my eyes. I scrunched up my face because my eyes were still adjusting to the image in front of me.

A boy with chocolate brown eyes and dark hair swept to a side was staring at me confused. He let go of my arms and slumped beside me.

Confused as well, I rubbed my eyes hoping this was just a dream. What's happening? Who's this boy? My head felt heavy and I didn't feel like talking but I had to know.

"Why am I here?", a voice croaked from my lips. I sat down cross legged and wiped sand off my thighs. In front of me were palm trees and from a distance I made out the ocean. The sand beneath me was hard and prickly, but it was the whitest sand I had ever seen even though it was mixed with parts of shrubs and palm leaves.

"Huh?" He asked back.

I felt something sting at the bottom of my palms and I looked down to see what it was.


They looked like they had been done only a while ago. I tried to remember what had happened, but my memory went blank. I shook my head, surely this was a dream.

I turned to him and repeated my question. His chocolate eyes looked up at me and replied, "I thought you'd know why we're here."

He was sitting cross legged as well, his arms behind him holding his balance.
He had a blank expression on his face.

Then I realized that I too had no emotions to express.

It was odd I hadn't started screaming in confusion or even started crying. Isn't that what a normal person would do if they found themselves in my shoes?

A part of felt like I didn't have any emotions, or perhaps I realized there was no point in showing any.

He laid out his palms on my thighs, the warmth of his skin made me shudder.
In front of my gaze were two palms filled with cuts. "I have the same." I exclaimed and shown him mine.

His fingers slowly ran through them, going over the bumps of the scars.
He looked up at me with a stolid expression and said, "I found something here while you were asleep."
I got up hesitantly, my legs felt tired and standing up felt strange.

Once I started walking, it felt like they might break any time by how fragile they felt. I followed the boy through the palm trees.

I still didn't know his name. I wonder if he remembered it.

I frowned realizing that I didn't remember mine either. "Hey what's your name?" I asked him, hoping he'd remember it and somehow mine as well.

He looked back at me and answered swiftly "It's Zayn. It means beauty in Arabic."

He smiled at me showing off his dimples. He is beautiful. I blushed furiously and smiled back, trying to not seem like a complete fool.

Still walking behind him, I began to observe my surroundings.

The island didn't seem that big, I managed to see the ocean from all directions. The sun peeked down from in between the rustling palm trees. I figured the sun was about to set. "This is the place.", Zayn stopped in front of a house like place. It was big, but height wise it was short. The roofs and walls were made out of dried palm leaves and there was a small door in the middle covered by a cloth.

"Are you gonna go in?" I asked, making eye contact with him. I noticed a light grey circle laying under his eyes, and he had a small cut below his right eyebrow as well. "Uhh.. I was thinking you could." He laughed, stopping me from observing him more. My eyes immediately averted to the ground, blushing again because I thought he noticed me basically gawking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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