chapter 42

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Sophie scared to see his red eyes

Sop(stammering): ASR woh she was asking me about your cabin and I told her she want to get you in her bed

Arnav(angrily):you are fired miss Sophie I will see how you get another job one more important thing she don't need an appointment to meet me

Sophie(crying):I'm sorry ASR I'm really sorry I will never insult her but please don't fire me I'm the sole one who earned for my family

Khushi was feeling pain when Sophie was pleading not to fire her.she wanted to teach her a lesson.she don't want to be the cause of her misery

Sophie(crying):please mam I'm sorry my intention was never to hurt you

Khushi:Arnie please don't fire her

Arnav(in a angry tone):how can she insult you princess

Khushi with a puppy face:plz Arnie mere liye maan Jao na don't fire her

His eye turn soft:only for you princess

Khushi hugged him:thank you

Sophie smiled and thanked Khushi

Khushi:no need I don't want AR to lose an efficient employee like you

Aman whisper in arnav ear: ASR you should introduce khushi mam to our employees


Arnav: as you all know that we are doing a new project who will flourish our business to a new heights of success so I introduced you all to my new business partner and Best friend the Khushi singhania who is a well known businesswomen and an international model owner of sparkling groups of companies who knows as the queen of fashion

The employees were shocked to know that the great khushi singhania will work with them

An employee:mam are you really the great ks

Khushi chuckles

Khushi:yes I'm the Khushi singhania

Second employees:mam why you did not reveal your face to the media

Khushi:I don't like parazzi to interfere in my personal life

An employee:mam I'm your fan I always wish to see you in person you are my idol who started her own business without any support of your family

Khushi: thank you

Arnav had a proud look

Arnav:I'm so proud of you princess

Khushi felt overwhelmed

Arnav cabin

She was looking around in the cabin it has an spare bedroom

Khushi:your cabin is Classy and elegant

Arnav arrogantly: obviously it's ASR cabin

Khushi:self obsessed raizada

Khushi:you know I heard from Bhai that you are ruthless and heartless when you came to business I never expect this that on my first day at office I will face your anger

He smirked and moved closer to her face she can feel his hot breathe on her face

Khushi (whisper):arnav

Arnav:so can we discuss something about the project


He ordered coffee for them

He smiled looking at his

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