CHAPTER XXVIII: Nine of Cups Reversed

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You're reading through the book that Foolish gave you, which he claimed would help you find answers to the questions you've been wondering. However, he says that with every book, so you're unsure about whether he's trying to help you or stall.

"It's quite odd, that flower," he then comments, shifting from foot to foot as he's avoiding your eyes. "I can most definitely feel its energy, but yours is way greater." You're not sure if you like that comment, honestly, but you assume that he's just saying what is objectively true. After all, you don't want to believe the angel has any ill intentions. If he did, you don't think XD would request you to ask him for help.

You simply hum as an answer, going through the book as you come to discover that, in the back of it, there's a collection of information on the most common creatures, including spirits. And immediately, you're hooked, especially when you read about the possession spirits – and demons – can apparently commit.

Possessing something or someone, whether this is an inanimate object or a living human being, is a very exhausting task that very few spirits do, even if around a half are capable of doing this to begin with.

Possession can continue to go on for seconds, days, months and even years if the spirit has enough energy and the subject is unable to fight back. However, possessing a living creature is impossible to do for more than a week, while it's already extremely hard to do for a day, as it usually comes with many challenges.

"I thought you wanted to know more about the plants?" Foolish's voice is what eventually gets you out of the book, as you end up shutting the book closed to avoid too much suspicion.

"Yeah," you say with a shrug, hearing the door of the church open, but not being able to see anything thanks to being in the space where the organ player usually plays their instrument. "But I got distracted." Two pairs of footsteps can be heard downstairs. Foolish seems to hear it too and, after letting out a few coughs, he excuses himself and goes to the two guests, only to be met with annoyance, judging by his voice.

"New visitors! What can I help you- Oh, it's you." You walk away from the instrument towards the railing, to look down and see a familiar pair of people standing there. While Sally is talking to Foolish, Wilbur is already looking up, quickly making eye contact with you. When your eyes meet his, he smiles sickly, an expression that sends shivers down your spine. Intuitively, you back away from the railing and hurriedly return to the place where you just read your book, grabbing it and putting it where it belongs. Having done this, you stay there for a few more seconds to just think about what you're going to do next. Unfortunately, the expected arrival of Wilbur prevents you from doing anything else you might've done.

"Hello there, beautiful," he says, hanging against the door frame in a way that should be charming, and if he hadn't attacked you at night and made you feel unsafe, you may have fallen on your knees for him.

The way his sweet honey voice gives the words a deceitful taste, his eyes almost shining like the moon in a starless sky, and his face seemingly having more colour than usual, making his cheeks show the blushing that he would've usually tried to hide. Honestly, you can't really blame Sally for getting with him. But at the same time, you can't blame Wilbur for getting with Sally, so you assume it's just two attractive people attracting each other.

However, none of this happens since you're not planning on letting him persuade you.

"Hello Wilbur," you simply respond, already growing uneasy especially upon realizing that you don't have any form of protection with you, thanks to Niki dragging you out of your apartment before you were able to grab what was necessary. Instead, you're standing there, seeing his lips cover up the sharp fangs with which he would've attempted to end your life, had you not been cursed or blessed by whatever deity this may have been. You're unprepared.

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