Chapter 1: A Memory Of The Past

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The smell of smoke and hot lead filled my nose as the blaring guns of the firsts rained down upon us, our lives being thrown away as if we were nothing but trash, something to be thrown away when it was not needed anymore and never to be looked back upon again. Blood covered the once green field in which the screams of our enemy, but more of our own echoed, as their lies were taken away from them never to be brought back. A hooded figure approaches me from the battle, walking around the piles of bodies and bullets being fired around them as if they were but a ghost, a memory of some forgotten time. They approach me slowly, full of confidence, and all I can remember of their face is that smile, it looked as if they thought they were some being of great power, better than anyone, not just the seconds but the firsts as well. Grinning, they started to uncontrollably laugh, pulling out a gun and pointing it, point blank, at my head.

I gasp silently, lurching quickly forward from my sleeping position, sweat pouring from my pale face with dread and fear consuming my eyes. It was the same nightmarish dream of a memory I had once forgotten long ago. 'Is it right?' I think to myself frantically in my mind, 'to be able to forget all the lives I had taken, the blood I had shed and all of those who had sacrificed there own lives...for my own?'. My trembling hand covered my face as I nearly choked on my own breath. 'Why?' I screamed in my head. 'Why was I able to forget all of this, going on with my life as if nothing had happened?'. The door in front of the room in which I was staying creaked open. My limp lifeless body burst to life as I ran swiftly to go and hide behind a box.

"Go on men, search the room. Their were reports of a second sneaking into a place around here. Catch them and bring them to the trials."

I gulped, holding onto my breath for dear life.

It had been about 3 years since the war had ended, with so many lives lost, on both sides. They were forced to call it off, also by these means they were forced to loosen the laws constricting the seconds, but there were many who still did not obey to these laws and sought out to bring nothing but misery to the seconds, who they blamed for all of their misfortune. In the society that we lived in now, everything from what you have, to your very reason for living, was decided from birth from something that could not be changed... your surname. Many people believe that there are only two kinds of people in this world, firsts... and seconds. But that's not the truth, there is another category, Third's. These people are not spoken of, some people even consider them to be so much as a living sin, these people are ones who's parents had broken an unforgivable taboo. A first had married a second. This meant that whatever offspring they were to produce was to be given the option of being a first or a second. At the age of 16, but until then treated as nothing, they were to be abandoned and left with nothing but their own lives...

I was one of them.


Note: I hope you enjoyed chapter one please give feedback on this and suggest a better category maybe because somehow teen-fiction just doesn't seem right... Thx!! :D

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