How it started

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Akaza POV

I was wondering through the forest looking for some humans to eat when I heard the sound of a Biwa being played and the next second I was standing in the Infinity Castle. I was looking around trying to see who else was here with me to see all of the other upper moons. I then began to wonder why we were all here but then we all heard another strum of Nakime's Biwa and then stood lord Muzan.

"Today we have a new upper 4 demon and his name is Kaigaku" Muzan said as a black haired demon stepped forward "now with that out of the way I hope you guys are looking for the blue spider lily because if you're not you will be punished severely" Muzan stated as he left.

Some of the other upper moons then went to go to talk to Kaigaku and I noticed that Gyutaro and Kaigaku were really getting along, which made me happy. Gyutaro doesn't have a lot of friends so it was nice to see him getting along with someone.

I was about to go back out looking for humans

I was about to head to my room when someone put there hand on my shoulder "hey Akaza Dino~" I just gave him an annoyed look and kept walking "oh come on Akaza I just waited to see how my best friend is doing" and with that I punched his head off, I thought that would be the end of that but then, kaigaku ran over to douma for some reason "why did you punch his head off he asked" I was getting really annoyed and just wanting to go to my room "I punched his head off  because he was annoying me and wasn't leaving me alone" I was heading to my room when he said something that made everyone go quiet "that's still not a reason to punch him, he's still your superior and you need to show him some respect" I stopped walking at that and began seeing red "that bitch is not my fucking superior" I then bolted at him ready to attack him but kokushiba was holding me back "LET ME GO YOU SIX EYED BITCH" he just looked at me and rolled his eyes "you might as well shut up cause yelling at me ain't gonna win you any points" he then dragged me to my room "just stay in here alright" he then closed my door and I just went to my bed and took a nap

It was around 5am when all of the upper moon's were hanging out, I was sitting down when douma came over, before he could say anything I punched his head off, but then Daki's sash cut my arm off, even though my arm immediately regenerated I was still pissed, I turned my attention to Daki "that's what you get for bullying dad" I then stood up and walked towards Daki "why don't you mind your fucking business you plastic bitch" Daki then punched me which then turned into a huge fight,

Kokushiba then walked in the room to see a huge fight happening, he then went to gyokko and told him to go get Muzan, kokushiba and gyutaro both tried to separate us and we're successful after about 12 minutes

Lord Muzan came in and saw me and Daki giving each other death glare "Daki and Akaza my office now" once we arrived in his office he had us take a seat "okay why were you guys fighting" Daki then began glaring at me "Daki cutt my arm off and I told her to mind her business" Muzan just nodded and turned to Daki "alright Daki why did you cutt akaza's arm off" I could tell Daki was annoyed and it was really funny "I only cutt his arm off because he's always bullying douma and punching his head off " I knew as soon as she hand said that I was screwed "ok Daki my apologies for wasting your time also go get douma for me" after about 5 minutes douma walked in and sat down "thank you douma for coming in, I've been informed that you and akaza are not on the best terms and he's been punching your head off so to try and fix this we're going to have you and akaza handcuffed together, this starts tomorrow, and kokushiba will be coming to your rooms to put in on you" we both just got up and left,

Hand cuffed to the enemy Where stories live. Discover now