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It was snowing out when Sabito came back up the mountain, it smelled like blood?.. The smell got stronger and stronger as he rushed to his home sliding the doors open in a rushed panic. His violet eyes widened as he saw something horrifying,,, His best friend since birth Tomioka Giyuu was on the floor covered in blood and injuries- his elder sister Tomioka Tsutako had her limp bleeding arms wrapped around Giyuu protectively. Sabito slid against the doorway choking back sobs as tears pooled out of his eyes, he let out a loud gasping cry as he ran towards the bodies checking for a pulse or signs of breathing. He got lucky- Giyuu was still breathing but it was staggering and uneven, Sabito lightly picked him up wrapping the ravenette in a blanket sliding him onto his back and dashing out the door; He needed a doctor or someone with at least a little medical experience! He couldn't lose anyone else not again.... Giyuu shifted on Sabito's back then threw his head back growling loudly and struggling in Sabito's hold forcing them both backwards. Sabito looked around as he saw Giyuu standing there in the open.

"Giyuu! Don't move or you'll hurt yourself more!! L - let me carry you please!!" Sabito shouted as he ran to Giyuu but something was off, Giyuu's scent was extremely different. A bad different....


The ravenette lunged forward at Sabito making him stagger backwards, Giyuu had...fangs....? His irises turned full pale blue with an oceanic fade..he had clawed nails with pastel blue tips, His claws digging into the peach haired boy's shoulder as the boy had his hatchet's handle in the ravenette's mouth to restrict his fangs. Tears falling heavily from violet eyes as he cried.

"Hang in there Giyuu!! Don't give in!! Please I can't lose you too!!!!" Sabito sobbed as he suddenly stopped, he felt a wet droplet fall onto his scarred cheek. His violet eyes widened as he looked up at the demon that was once a kind innocent male that he had been best friends with since birth and had platonic love for him.. He heard Giyuu's muffled cries behind the hatchet handle in his mouth, dark raven black hair partially undone and spilled over his shoulders like black ink pouring from a ink pot.

A figure came flying downwards at the two crying figures as Sabito noticed the sword in his hand, 'HES TRYING TO KILL GIYUU!' Sabito impulsively grabbed Giyuu's throat and pushed him out of the way causing the swordsman to slash at Sabito's hair cutting a few strands off. He held Giyuu protectively only for Giyuu to be quickly taken out of his arms and held with his arms behind his back and a blade to his throat. The burgundy haired swordsman had kind eyes and a soft scent.

"Why...did you protect him??" The swordsman asked with a polite smile, Giyuu struggled while growling loudly in his hold, "Don't you know he ate that woman in the house I passed by??"

Sabito shook his head rapidly, "N- No!! Giyuu would never harm a human! Especially his own sister!!! He's been my best friend since birth! He'd never harm anyone!!! He was just turned into a demon and I don't know h-"

"Demon blood got into his wounds, therefore infecting him. He's extremely starved at the moment and is willing to eat anyone he sees including you. Please I know this is hard for you but let me do my job and keep you safe,okay?" The burgundy haired male smiled gently as he brought his blade closer to Giyuu's throat. "I promise to make it qui-"

Before the burgundy haired male could finish his sentence he saw stones go flying at his face as he quickly used his sword to dodge the attack, Sabito was right in front of him trying to pull his sword away from him but it left him no avail instead the burgundy haired swordsman slammed the hilt of his black katana onto Sabito's back causing him to pass out, dropping onto the snowy ground as the hatchet came out of nowhere landing right next to the swordsman's face, before he could comprehend what had happened Giyuu thrashed violently seeing Sabito fall and kicked the male restraining him away rushing to Sabito. 'HE'S GOING TO DEVOUR HIM' the burgundy haired male thought as he rushed to ready his attack but his crimson eyes widened. the ravenette demon stood infront of the peach haired boy..protectively..?? He wasn't going to eat him??..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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