Extra Credit

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"And that concludes our lesson for the day." Miss Alecto said; she put down her piece of chalk and turned around to face her class. "I'll see you all on Monday."

The students all got up from their seats and headed to the door, eager to go home for the weekend. But then the teacher called out,

"Hercules? May I speak with you for a moment, please?"

Hercules stopped in his tracks and winced in fear, not knowing what Miss Alecto wanted to see him for. He nervously turned around.

"Yes, ma'am." He said.

"Good luck, buddy." His friend Icarus said before he exited the classroom.

Herc reluctantly walked up to the front of the class with a nervous expression on his face.

"You wanted to see me, Miss Alecto?" He asked.

"Yes." Miss Alecto answered. "Hercules, I'm sorry to tell you this... but I'm afraid you failed your latest test."

"Well, is there any way I can retake it?"

"No, I'm sorry, dear. But there is a way for you to get extra credit and receive a better grade."

"Really? What is it?"

"By... serving King Eurystheus for a day."


"King Eurystheus. Not a lot of people really know who he is or what kingdom he actually rules because... he's kind of a coward. He hides from mostly anyone who comes to his castle for a visit, even other royals. But the King has told me that if you want this extra credit, then you'll have to do whatever he says for a whole day."

"Seriously? All of this for one test?"

"Hey, I don't make the rules. I only enforce them. But it's your choice, Hercules."

Herc paused and mentally weighed his choices for a moment before he looked back at his teacher. "Okay, I'll do it. I'll serve King Eurystheus for a day."

"In that case, great." Miss Alecto turned to her desk and wrote something down on a piece of paper. She gave it to Herc. "Here's where you will find King Eurystheus's castle. It starts tomorrow."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"But one more thing before you go." She whispered into his ear. "Be careful. This king gives out some very dangerous tasks on occasion."

"Don't worry, Miss Alecto. I can handle it. I am a hero in training after all."

"Even so, just be safe."

"Thanks. And I will."

Herc walked out of the classroom, only to see Icarus and Cassandra standing outside the classroom waiting for him.

"So, what'd she want?" Icarus asked.

"Well... she told me that I flunked a test and I need to serve some king for a day to get extra credit." The young demigod answered.

"Serving a king for a whole day? Just for extra credit? Uh, doesn't this kind of strike you as a little fishy?" Cassandra questioned.

"I guess, but I think it's best not to question it. I start tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to talk to Phil about this." Herc replied letting out a whistle.

His pet Pegasus suddenly flew down from the heavens and stopped right in front of Hercules. He got on the winged horse's back.

"I'll see you guys later." He said before flying off towards home.

The moment Herc was gone, Cassandra perked up. She was having another vision.

"I see Hercules struggling to hold up the Earth." She said before the vision faded.

"Holding up the Earth?" Icarus exclaimed. "Oh boy. Something's gonna go wrong, isn't it?"

"Big time." Cassandra answered.

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