A Mission From the King

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Herc stood on the doorstep of the castle of King Eurystheus. The boy's hero coach Philoctetes, or Phil for short, and his pet Pegasus were standing on either side of him, anxious to get inside.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, kid?" Phil asked. "I mean, it's just a test."

"Come on, Phil. I'm just gonna serve some king. It can't be that bad." Herc answered.

"I still don't know about this. I've heard a few things about this guy and he doesn't sound too nice."

"Well, no one is perfect. Besides, what could happen?"

He reached out and knocked on the door. After a long moment of silence, a thin, lanky man answered the door. Herc, Phil, and Pegasus cocked their heads to the side in confusion.

"How may I help you?" The man asked.

"Are you... King Eurystheus?" Hercules asked.

"Me? Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm not the king. I'm his servant, Copreus." The servant said with a bow.

"Oh! Well, it's nice to meet you, Copreus. I'm Hercules. I'm here to see the king about servitude for a day." Herc said, holding up the slip from Miss Alecto.

"Ah, yes. Of course. Please, come in. All of you." Copreus said, allowing the young demigod and his companions inside.

"Thank you." Herc said as he, Phil, and Pegasus walked in. "So... what exactly does the king want me to do?"

"You'll find out." The servant said.

"This is gonna end badly, I know it." Phil mumbled under his breath.


Hades yawned and stretched as he entered his living room and approached his two minions who were waiting for him. "Hey, boys."

"You're up late, boss." Pain commented.

"It's almost noon." Panic nervously chimed in.

"Yeah? Well, I've been working a little late last night. Therefore, I went to bed late. Ugh, seriously. I need a magic back." Hades cracked his back and sat down in his chair. "I don't know about you, but I'm starved. So, what's for breakfast today? Or in this case, what's for lunch?"

Pain and Panic gave each other nervous looks, and Hades picked up on it immediately. He narrowed his eyes at the two imps before him.

"Is there something you boys wanna tell me?" He asked.

"Uh..." They stuttered.

"...We're out." Pain quickly said.

"Out? Out of what?" The flame-headed god asked.

"...Everything." Panic nervously answered.

"Everything? What?! No, no, no, no, no, no! That's impossible! We can't be out! Let me see!"

"You're not gonna like it."

"Oh please, it can't be that bad."

Hades got up from his chair and walked over to another corner of the room; that was where the enchanted pantry was. He opened the door and sure enough, it was empty. No ambrosia, no nectar, not even a single worm. Hades snarled.

"Pain, Panic... why is my food pantry empty?" He asked, trying to remain calm.

The impish minions looked at each other, unsure of how to answer. Hades groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose; his hair started to flare up and turn orange and red, which always happened when he was angry.

"I specifically ordered enough food to last for the year! How could it be gone so fast?!"

Pain and Panic shrugged and stayed silent. Hades took a deep breath and mildly calmed down, his hair turned back to its original blue color.

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