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Namjoon untied his bathrobe and then dropped it on the floor, leaving his body only with ck undergarments.
Jungkook's gazes travelled to his whole body. Namjoon felt cold and naked even his not fully nude. Again jungkook was doing nothing, just staring at him like he was seeing the first naked man.

So, Namjoon placed his palm on jungkook's eyes, covering them he leaned to his ears to whisper.

" Stop staring. Please. "

Jungkook slides namjoon's palm down
from his eyes to his chest. Jungkook didn't object when he took off his jacket, he took off his t-shirt over his head by himself. Namjoon was stunned by the view in front of him. The urge to kiss and lick his body was making him insane. Seeing jungkook smirking he didn't stoop up there and walked toward the bed. He sits facing the camera.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder and gazed at curious namjoon who was tapping his feet on the floor while looking at his feet. He heard the sound of the jungkook opening his belt and his heart jumped in his chest. His eyes dilated, and when he turned his head to check in on him, he was taking off his pants.

Namjoon immediately turned their head away and shut his eyes then abruptly he got on the bed and exterior himself with the red cover, sitting on the bed he saw jungkook also getting on.

" What are you doing ?"

Jungkook murmured, sitting next to him but not covering himself. Namjoon hasn't looked yet at his lower body.

" Can we fuck under the cover? "

Namjoon asked if he was looking at him for a positive impact but the way jungkook frowned at him, he doubted he would say yes.

Namjoon gasped as he felt jungkook's soft lips on his own, heart fluttering at the touch and something blossoming inside of his chest, the feeling expanding and filling his whole upper body with warmth. Namjoon wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him closer.

It didn't take a long moment until jungkook tried to push his dominance over the man's lips. Namjoon taking it like a challenge, he pushed his tongue inside jungkook's mouth, licking over his tongue and deepening the kiss.

The cover is already slid down his body, he doesn't realise until jungkook runs his finger on his flat belly. Namjoon shivered and pulled back surprisingly. Lips shining with saliva. Jungkook wiped his mouth with a knuckle.

" Are you still thinking of doing it under cover? We have to shoot it naked. I don't think you're brother will care if we send him the full body-covered tape. What's the point in doing it under cover? "

Jungkook was right.

" Please, until I am comforted. It's kinda embarrassing. "

" Fine. Let me bring the stuff."

Jungkook walked to the table to grab out the lube bottle and condom, that's when namjoon eyed his broad back and his slim waist, he didn't get lower and looked away. Namjoon clutched the sheet as jungkook sat back again.

" Namjoon "

Jungkook called out his name to look at him. And namjoon couldn't control the need to taste his lips again. Namjoon whimpered as they moved their lips a little faster, licking their tongue and finding himself craving for more, longing for more.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now